Wow, this is all so great. Thank you everyone. I am going to get that book for sure. Thank you for telling me about it!! It occurred to me, as I read the long document on this syndrome, that it sounds like Bill Gates. It makes perfect sense to me.
My daughter in law also is dyslexic, so had lots of trouble in school, and suffered much abuse at the hands of teachers and students. Everyone thought she was retarded until her parents demanded a test of her IQ. It turns out she is extremely intelligent, and has a very high IQ, higher than mine, which is 123. Her mother says she tested 180, but that seems hard to believe. That is pretty darned brilliant, and rare. Maybe it's 118. That made the school rethink their evaluation of her, and the teachers at least stopped being mean to her. It was a different time.
My son was constantly bullied, because he was quite childish, compared to other kids, but he found his niche in high school, in drama. He would know the entire script of every play they would do, and in Midsummer Night's Dream, he had a lead role (Theseus) and could compensate for someone 'blowing' their lines, in Elizabethan English. He knew everyone's role, and could step in immediately to take a part, if someone didn't show for rehearsal. He was just awesome in the role too. He won an award at school that year, for Best Shakespearean actor. It brought him a whole new level of respect from the other students.
Even now, he knows every line in every movie or TV show, and can tell you anything about a book you've read (if he's read it too). He has an incredible memory. He wanted to be a police officer very badly, and went to college and completed his degree in criminal justice, but can't get hired by a PD. I think he comes off immature, but can't tell him that. He works as a security guard, and is good at it because he is so meticulous in his routine.
His wife is a lab tech, and works with very complicated procedures at a hospital. She is the type you would expect to see bent over a microscope. My son absolutely adores her and thinks she is the best thing in the world. She feels the same about him, and I can see why she does. He is pretty wonderful, very handsome and she was likely never going to marry. Naturally her parents adore him too. They have 3 other daughters who have none of her traits. Viva la differance!!
Edited by - mulan on 20 November 2002 19:24:24