Kenpodragon: Where Are You ?

by Searchin50 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shakita

    If that is true Big Tex, I will miss his posts.

  • ballistic

    I never used to reply to his threads becuase I don't when I think everythings been said. That says a lot.

  • Brumm

    Parents will know this but when your wife is in the final weeks 
    		of preganancy, both of you get
     stressed and worried over little things 
    		that otherwise wouldnt be a problem, this can cause a reaction 
    		we would otherwise avoid i.e swearing and being sensitive.
    When your wife 
    		is in labour, well there's not a thing enters your mind other than 
    		the pain 
    she is in...makes you realise that every woman on earth 
    		deserves a lot more than a medal. 
    When she produces that bundle 
    		of joy, every breathing moment is focused on the baby and wife 
    for the next few weeks. Then there's the endless phone calls the preparations at home etc
    He'll be back, he's just in the process of finding time.
    All the very best to him and his family
  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Could be because of this!

    Page down and read his goodby!

    And the ones with a lock on them...

    After he stomped on ..chewed up..and spit out...Snoozy!

    And "Silent Lambs"

    Talk about delusions of grandeur!

    Golden Girl....aka...Snoozy...

    Edited by - Golden Girl on 22 November 2002 20:58:24

  • nilfun

    Hey Dragon.....

    Miss you much!

    ((((Dragon,Mrs. Dragon & new baby [Logan?]))))))

    Take care....

    -nilfun, who was hoping to see some baby pics!

  • Windchaser

    Hempy, I hope that you will come back. Hope that you are a new daddy very soon and everything goes well.

    Best to you and Mrs. Hemp!

  • ballistic

    Dragon, you were one of the ones who saw the greater good. But of what good is it, if we do no good for ourselves first? See to yourself, and if you have energy, come back and tell us about it.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    He is such a good friend and none of you have his address?

    Nice friend!


    Edited by - Golden Girl on 23 November 2002 20:11:19

  • Windchaser
    Dragon, you were one of the ones who saw the greater good. But of what good is it, if we do no good for ourselves first? See to yourself, and if you have energy, come back and tell us about it.

    Ballistic, I couldn't have said it better.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Hey...this guy could play like he is the Dragon if you want...he is getting just as obnoxious! He is a "Dragon wanna be!" A VERY loyal follower...I bet he could even be a "Witness" for the "Dragon"...They both lie!

    You and he must really hate Dana to bring her name up with lies......Just to try and hurt me!...

    Sorry Ronnie! You just made yourself look very cruel to me!..You are believing Dragons lies again. Some here prefer to hide heir heads in the sand...that's their problem.Just like a witness! You don't even queston him!.Just a loyal follower.....Tsk Tsk....Many leaders are able to "Charm " their followers..or so I have heard.Like a snake charmer! You do his dirty work for him! Poisoness venom.... Ask questions Ronnie...You might not like the answers! Go to JW uncensored...they have a completly different attitude toward "The Dragon!"

    If you need the address...E Mail me! I have unlocked you for the time being.

    I am not alone!


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