Best Country for Immigrants...America

by WhyNow2000 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I always thought that Canada treated their immigrants pretty well.

  • WhyNow2000

    I am just glad that the US is not run by a bunch of ditto heads.

  • Xena

    ditto heads??????

  • WhyNow2000

    A dittohead is a faithful listener that worships and holds sacred every word that is uttered by Rush Limbaugh show. His listeners profile:

    Six out of ten Dittoheads have very little confidence in the news media.

    Four out of ten have "a great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in the legislative branch of government compared with one out of ten non-Dittoheads.

    More than half of Limbaugh's listeners are white men ages 30 to 49.
    About 40 percent of female Dittoheads are 60 years or older.

  • heathen

    I would have to agree the US would be the destination of choice but the problem is that very few bother to move here legally .

  • Buster

    Unfortunately, I have to agree that this country is the best destination for immigrants.

    I wish it were not so. We have room - just not that much room.

  • WhyNow2000

    "I take it you are woman "of color"! "

    What makes a person a woman "of color"? and what kind of woman "of color" are u?

  • Pathofthorns

    I think while many immigrants prefer to go to America, I can say a country such as Canada allows immigrants to retain much more of their culture in their new country.

    It is true that in any country immigrants are not always treated kindly. I can say in Canada we do appreciate our diversity, while at the same time due to political correctness, racism exist more in private conversations among those that have been here for longer periods.

    I think Canada's philosophy as far as immigration goes is a good one in theory, but long term, unless they can get new persons to the country to integrate and disperse more fully away from major population centers it could create problems.


  • WildHorses

    "When I came to this country we didn't have a cent in our pockets. From cleanin' cananry cages to this night here in New York, I would like to say Thank you America, Thank you."~Desi Arnaz

    This is what Desi said to a live audience, on the first night that I Love Lucy was filmed.

    I feel that if people want to come to the States in order to have a better life, then who am I to say I don't want them? My own family came here in the early 1800's for that very reason.

  • jgnat

    Canada is the best place for immigrants.

    I am sixth generation Canadian. Most of my ancestors come from Scotland. My daughter married an immigrant. Lately, she has been disgusted by the ignorant comments from people who don't know any better, who claim that immigrants are taking away jobs from native born Canadians.

    I told her, the next time they opened up a Michelina's or other microwave dinner, ask them how much they enjoy it. Then ask them if they knew they were eating a meal prepared by an immigrant. Ditto for the clothes on their back. The truth of the matter is, my daughter's husband will do jobs no native-born Canadian would touch, and he does it gladly. In two years, he picked up English as his seventh language. He has drive, intelligence, ambition, and a great attitude. He is grateful for the freedom and peace our country has to offer, and amazed that any Canadian can pursue secondary education regardless of family connections or finances. I figure he is an asset to our country. I hope six generations from now, his descendants will defend the rights of the next wave of immigrants who wish to join in our prosperity.

    So there.

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