Good for you, that woulda been my comment as well, the one about the KH not being safe.
Pissed off the EX!!!
by nativenyr23 15 Replies latest jw friends
Witch Child
Good for you!!! I wish I had custody of my 2 boys... but I have joint custody with their jw dad. It sucks!! They get dragged to the hall and all that $h!t. Fortunately they hate it. Being dragged there is torture for them, hopefully they will never join.
I do torture my ex as opportunity arises, but mostly I pity him and his pathetic little life. I try very hard not to bad mouth him to the kids though. It sure is tough.
Witch Child: In Texas, we too have Joint Custody, which is TECHNICALLY what we have; however, it's in "name only" cuz the person w/whom the child/children reside has more control (hehehhee!)
But you and LB have a point, and i USUALLY try to not bad mouth their dad for fear that it'll just push them closer in that direction. My teenager likes to mess w/me though and says, "Hey Mom...guess what?! I got called on at the Watchtower study! .......JUST KIDDING" . . .little stinker. he knows how this irks me!
The Girl and Boy Scouts are forbidden by the JWs because they have to swear allegiance to God and Country.. Make sure you sign them up at the YMCA for swimming lessons too! hehehhe
Nice going nativenyr23.
Im sure you find solace in knowing that the information you sent him regarding silentlambs and the potential for a child being molested by a Jehovah's Witness is a very legitimate possibility. If he worries about something potentially happening to a child as a Cub Scout, then he should be just as worried about what horny old man / pedophile your son could encounter at your local Kingdom Hall.
Oh my, and don't forget to sign them up for a UN Library card. They may be able to obtain some useful information to help them get their Boy Scout badges. I'm so glad my X and I didn't have any kids. He wasn't a JW, but it would have been horrindous.
Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!