"Are you ready to Die?"

by breeze 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hell no, but I have accepted the fact that I will die and probably not too far in the future. I try not to let it worry me though. I will not know anything about it or will live in another form of some kind. I have about come to the conclusion that we like dogs, cats and other animals will just be a thing of the past though. Time will tell.

    Ken P.

  • Preston

    I don't think any of us are, as you say, "ready to die". Once you lose your life, you really have nothing left. To put it bluntly, almost all of us, out of reaction, do anything to stay alive. A few weeks ago I saw a movie called "The Grey Zone" about Jewish prisoners in concentration camps who were used by the Nazis to do their dirty deeds, in exchange for a few more months of life. In one harrowing scene, the Jewish workers lead fellow Jews, just off the trains, to the gas chamber. The workers' job was to deceive their fellow Jews into thinking that they were being disinfected, and even though we don't see the action as the gassings take place, we hear the clamoring against the walls...And that's the point. These people sacrificed their very dignity, even for just a few more months of life. Who truly knows what's beyond our very existence. Although I'm one to believe that there is life after death, I don't think the afterlife is any more enlightening...

  • PopeOfEruke

    It seens as I get older, the terrible fear of death seems to wane and a more-or-less feeling of "Oh Well its gonna happen so let it happen" sets in.

    I am not scared of it like I used to be............and more than likely its at least 40 years away or...UURGGHH! KKKAEEKK!!

    *pope keels over onto desk with large tongue hanging out*

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    No! At least not today.

    However, if it were to happen to me at any other given moment, I can say that I'm "not afraid". But I must say that it will be a tragedy for my wife. It will devastate her! Then any thoughts of myself dying will make me feel reluctant about it. I love her too much to know of the pain she will have. [Can you make any sense of what I'm trying to relate?]

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "Not Exerting Vigorously")

  • ozziepost

    For the vast majority of humankind, dying comes naturally. It's the Dubs who've denied it and fostered this dream in people that they will never die.

    Then we have the ridiculous state of affairs where the R&F pick out the best houses in the territory and have them "claimed" as being theirs "after Armageddon". It's what Ray Franz termed "spiritual materialism" and despite the WTS denials, it's what is used to attract new members. ALL tracts and brochures and books they use to witness to new members have an illustration of an earthly paradise on the front cover.

    So, is Ozzie ready to die? Of course, and without fear.

    But just not yet, I hope! I've got some more R&R to do! If God wills.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • onacruse

    I agree. I don't plan on dying any time soon, but I'm ready for death when ever it may happen.

    fwiw, I personally don't think that death in this life is the end of it all. Maybe that's why I can be so sanguine about it?


  • PopeOfEruke
  • LyinEyes

    I am 35 yrs old. Being raised JW I never thought I would worry so much as a wrinkle. But ........lol. the time has come to accept that I will get older and probably die ,,,,,,,,,. I never thought of this before. How stupid is that?????????? I have arthritis, have had it since I was a small girl , and always knew the new world would be here before I was in a wheel chair.......... hum,,,,, it scares me when my feet hurt so bad I have to sit down and not dance anymore. But that is ok,,,,,,,, I have accepted it really, I don't like it, but my life has been full compared to others, I just have to accept that I am getting older. That is not so bad. There are alot of good things to be said about wisdom. I never understood this till now, and I am sure I won't totally understand the full extent of this for many years to come.

  • alfie

    The one thing that never really bothered me was death. Throughout my life dying has always just seemed to be just something we have to accept. My dad was a minister (not JW) and he handled funerals quite routinely. When I was about six, I accompanied him on a pastoral visit to a parishioner whose father had died. At that time in the rural setting in which we lived, it was not uncommon for the deceased to be kept in the family home until the funeral and so when I looked into the casket that day, there was this old man appearing to be sleeping. From that point on death was not a big problem for me. I've never had a desire to go to heaven and could never bring myself to believe that we have an immortal soul. Even before I became a witness, living forever on earth made more sense to me than dying and floating off to some intangible spirit place. So as far as I was and still am concerned, if I can't live forever on earth, then death is fine.. Mind you, it would be nice to see my grandkids grow up before I go for the big sleep.


    Edited by - alfie on 22 November 2002 3:56:2

  • Navigator

    I'm with Double Edge and Gold Morning on this one. There really is no "death". In my opinion, that is what Jesus came to demonstrate. The problem is that we have become so attached to this "lump of clay" that we have come to believe that it is what we are. We are so much more! I'm in no hurry to go because I've still got a lot of lessons to learn and things to do. However, when the time comes I'll be looking forward to a reunion with those who have already crossed over. I hope that I can make the "transition" with some degree of grace. I'm not waiting until the end to tell people how much I love them and appreciate them. I'm thanking God now for the wonderful teachers in my life that come in myriad forms. I'm especially thankful for my wife, JW though she is. Boy, have I learned a lot from her and none of it is JW doctrine.

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