If it wasn't for the internet, and sites like these, would you still be an active witness?
Internet Influence
by JH 17 Replies latest jw friends
The internet isn't what got me out. I found it later and it AIDED me a GREAT deal!
Crisis of conscience is the first thing that spelled out the picture for me.....then a few other books, then the internet at Freeminds and Mcgreggor Ministries, then here. Here is what has meant a lot to me in the past year and a half.....thanks Simon and Angarard...(can't spell your wifes name...you know who I mean )
No,I knew I was never going to go back.
Without the net,I may have always thought....mabey they do have the truth.
With the net....Now, I know they don't.I never bothered looking into,or researching anything about the org,until I prayed and owned a computer.
Here I am....the truth has set me free.
Alligator Wisdom
Maybe??!! Not quite sure??!!
The internet helped confirmed what my torture was all these years. If I never found out the real "revelations" of the WT Society through the internet, I may have tried to continue with the teaching of the WT. But I know that wouldn't even have lasted too long. Maybe I would have eventually left by means of suicide. Gratefully though, it didn't come down to that. Now trying to do the "submerge" out of the emotional and mental mind-control. [Yes, the internet was and is a MAJOR factor for my direction.]
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "Not Exerting Vigorously")
I was ready on my way out when I found this website. It has been a great help in my recovery. Knowing there are others out there that have the same feelings and understand what I am going through is very comforting. I did find out COC on line which I have ordered, and reading many persons stories has reconfirmed my actions. I suppose I would have found out about the definition of a cult at the library in time. I think the Internet has speeded up my healing, for which I am grateful.
I hope others that are feeling lonely and confused out their find this site or others like it so they too can get on with their recovery.
I hope others that are feeling lonely and confused out their find this site or others like it so they too can get on with their recovery.
They are.....by the DROVES. Take a look at the newbies that are coming just here lately! It's awesome!
Yes you're right, hopefully leaving the Borg will not be such a big stressfill emotional thing when they find out there is support out here.
I left before the internet but it was responsible for my enlightment and freedom from the cult. The CofC book was mentioned and I bought it from Amazon.com. After that read I knew I had been right in moving on with my life apart from the JWs. I'm here because I enjoy the company of people who understand.
Ken P.
I had been away for twenty years before I stumbled across this site. I didn't think I needed the support and help a site such as this one offers, I was wrong.
I had already come to my own conclusions on the blood issue. This gave me the courage to look at the web. I in turn found the website ajwrb.org. The website opened a whole new world to me. But I was still afraid to look at any other site that looked "too apostate". I wouldn't look at silentlambs or at freeminds or watchtower observer. HOWEVER, I got brave enough to click a link (not even sure were I saw the link) to this forum.
This website has given me so much. It is my group therapy, so to speak. Reading the personal experiences is so validating and freeing. You are so relieved to find people who have shared the same feelings and experiences. And it is quite motivating to see how people have gone on with their lives. More than anything else this website gave me courage that there is live after the watchtower.