Well the lovely young sister let my wife know today that only she would be invited to her wedding. I'm not in the least surprised. I know she really likes me and that her first inclination was to have me attend regardless of my DAing myself recently. But, they got to her of course. This is to be expected.
I actually believe I would have attended. She is one of the sweetest people I've ever met. If she were not a JW she could have been almost anything. She's pretty enough to be on TV. Smart enough to do almost anything and actually very much an athlete. Yet she has only been allowed to pioneer. At age 23 she still lives at home.
Born in the truth and destined to stagnate in it too. I told my wife to let her know that I fully understand her feelings. That I am very happy for her and that I want her to have all the happiness in the world. Also to tell her not to feel an ounce of guilt over my uninvitation.
I am tempted to post a picture of her here. Just so you can see the girl I really enjoyed visiting with. I have one from when she was 18. But I don't want her to get any grief over it as I'm certain that I have been spied upon during my time here. I am not paranoid about it. There has just been information given to some witnesses that I have only posted about here. Not a big deal, but a caution to those of you who are still hiding.
One of our trips to Maui we took her and her sister with us. They come from a poor family and we knew they'd never be able to afford going there. The one thing I am certain about is that she will never forgot that vacation. I am glad we were able to take them with us.
Oh and for you little Shady Cove spies. I'm still Al. I haven't turned to drugs or anything else. I'm the guy I always was. Just a little wiser. A little less brainwashed. If you say a single lie to Kim about anything I've said about her. I will hunt your ass down and make you pay. You know me well enough to know I am not bullshitting, don't you.
Yep, a little anger came out there. But I suppose that is to be expected. But the anger is not directed at her. Just at the circumstances that couldn't be helped.
So any of you that still pray, send a prayer off for Kimmie and her lasting happiness.