Governing Body! Worshiped like Kings!

by Alligator Wisdom 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    I can't get over the fact the the GB of the WT Society are treated like kings. Aren't they supposed to be "one of the brethren"? The WT always accuses others of being guilty of "idol" worship when it comes to people of fame (i.e. movies stars, musicians, sports figures...etc.) However, nothing is being done regarding the fact that the R&F JW's practically are worshiping those fellows who are called the "Governing Body". Myself, being raised in the ORG and having many connections in it while also visiting the headquarters has proved that these GB members are willing to accept their "followers" admiration .

    One ex-bethelite told me that he used to sit next to Ray Franz at his table. Boy, that's all I ever heard, day in and day out! He even told me his favorite scripture is Psalms 113:8 (NWT = "To make him sit with nobles, With the nobles of his people"). He said he felt this applied to him because these men are the ones presiding over the Kingdom work on earth and are future kings and (again!!) he used to sit next to Ray Franz. Obviously he and other are captivated by the hierarchy of the WT Society. My goodness!! How hypocritical! Doesn't Psalms 146:3 say (NWT = "Don't put your trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs").

    And if that isn't enough. Boy, you should see the Japanese witnesses here in Japan. Whenever any GB memeber is making a visit to Japan for whatever reason (Bethel Branch Office visit, District Assembly Program, Dedication of an Assembly Hall...etc.), these Japanese witnesses practically hound them for photographs and to "touch" them by shaking their hands. I even had some brag to me that they even had a meal with some of GB members. Maybe one day I'll hear of some JW's asking a GB member to sign their Bibles for them.

    I've seen this type of "veneration" all my life within the ORG. (Albeit an "anoited one", "Branch Overseer" and the like. But nothing compares with the Governing Body!) Didn't Jesus give us principles regarding fellow humans and how they are to be viewed, no matter what their position are in life? This also has contributed to my "spiritual weakness" in the eyes of the WT Society.

    Question: Have any of you personally seen or heard of such a display of adoration and glorification toward the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Your thoughts, please!

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "Not Exerting Vigorously")

  • czarofmischief


    Well, of course, undue veneration is out of order, as Peter told Cornelius. But Paul also said that some are worhty of some honor. So, to be fair, I haven't seen any of the excesses of man worship that, for instance, the Catholics give their popes.

    Humans do have a tendency to worship what they can see. Its just symptomatic of the organization. As soon as a human starts to "organize" the earthly Christian ministry, they lose faith in Christ's direction and start to apply it to the man-made apparatus.

    So the GB, and the other anointed, are the subjects of natural curiosity and excitement and a kind of "rub-off" celebrity. It sounds like your guy just wanted some attention.

    I did see the alleged pedophile Ted Jarascz give a public talk once. He either didn't speak English very well, or was suffering from severe jet lag, or something. He wasn't a good speaker for someone who gives so many talks a year [although I bear Paul's words in mind about those who criticized him for being weak in speech.] I don't know, I was younger and couldn't follow his train of thought.


  • abbagail

    Hi Alligator (I like your name, btw. Ever hang out in the Sunshine State where many gators roam?)

    Re: your subject... I had previously written this in a thread back in July, about a former (now deceased) JW friend who practically "worshipped" The Kings! FWIW...

    If I hadn't of lived it, I probably wouldn't believe it...
    During my JW years, a sister had moved down from NY to live in Florida. Since she didn't have a car, I got to take her to meetings and we became friends. She was about 20 years older than me, in her 50's at the time. She was one hard-headed, loud, outspoken sis (NY/Italian/Catholic turned JW). Anyway, seems when she lived in Manhattan, she was chummy with the "Kings," and I tell no lies, that is how she referred to them ALL THE TIME. She would ramble on and on nostalgically about all of the dinner parties she held in her NY apt. for "THE KINGS." Evidently she had owned a HUGE dinner table, but had to sell it before moving to Florida to live in a smaller apt. She referred to that dining table fondly and frequently as "THE TABLE OF THE KINGS," and she longed to again have it and the dinner parties that went with it. The KINGS, The KINGS, The KINGS! I did like hearing her stories, but at the same time I thought she was being either overly dramatic and/or succumbing to "creature worship." :smile:

    Edited by - Grits on 22 November 2002 4:57:16

  • Dia

    One small point:

    Catholics are free to disagree with, to comment on, to criticize, to discuss and to speak, publicly and/or privately about their pope and other members of the church heirarchy. They are even free to say, publicly and/or privately, that they don't think there ought to BE a church heirarchy.

    No one will throw them out or take other strong-arm measures to remove them from the Christian 'family'.

  • JT
    Maybe one day I'll hear of some JW's asking a GB member to sign their Bibles for them.

    this was done, when i was at bethel one of the gb on a return zone visit spoke of how the local jw asked him to sign (autograph) thier bibles- i recall how we talked about it in the bindery that morning when we all got to work as to whether it was right or wrong-

    I think was Lord Barry cause he was the one who used to be missionary for yrs in asia

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hello Czarofmichief, re Jaracz:

    Maybe his spiritual and intellectual bankruptcy has something to do with his dearth of appeal as a public speaker?

  • benext

    When some of the GB members went to Cuba it was written in the WT about them autographing Bibles for the local witnesses. I wondered about that then. They are celebrities of a sort. We had many as speakers either for public talks or the Memorial. One year a local brother died while giving the special talk. Months later Brother Loesch came to that congregation to give the talk. After the talk he was ushered out by his security while brothers and sisters reached out to touch him or shake his hand.

  • freeman

    True story illustrating the fact that the GB or at least some of them are indeed worshiped like kings.

    Dateline 1977

    I just got back from a tour of Bethel. Told a few folks how nice it was to meet and share lunch with brother Franz. Ears perked up, crowd gathered around and all of a sudden I was now the center of attention. What was he like? Could you sense the Holy Sprit when you were in his presence? Did he say anything about how much longer this system would go on? These were some of the questions that stood out in my mind.

    As I talked about him, then they got the idea that the guy I met was RAY FRANZ not FRED FRANZ. Know what happened then? They turned away in disappointment and I was made to feel like a jerk.

    Im not sure why the younger Franz was not as revered as the elder Franz, anyone know? It is my understanding that they were both GB members. Anyway the crowd walked away disappointed and I was made to feel like a jerk and if I had any sense about me, I should have left the cult right then and there.


  • Swan

    This gives me an idea on how to get back all of the countless $$$$$ I contributed to the WTBTS over the years. Governing Body Trading Cards! I'll take them to D'strict Convention and hawk them on the sidewalk outside the stadium. I bet a rookie Nate Knorr card would fetch a lot. Of course, the one to really watch for is a Charlie Russell pyramid card. Find one of those and you would really be sitting pretty!


  • undercover
    Question: Have any of you personally seen or heard of such a display of adoration and glorification toward the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    I remember at a district convention a few years ago when Henschel was there. He came out of one of the back offices of the coliseum and was recognized almost immediately by someone. They ran over and then another and another. Pretty soon there was this big crowd all around him wanting to shake his hand(or maybe touch the hem of his garment). I watched from the distance amazed and somewhat disgusted. He is just a man same as all the rest and his talk that morning was terrible. He read it straight from a manuscript with no feeling and it put me right to sleep.


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