The Beards of JWD (pure unadulterated Fri. fluff)

by nilfun 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    ok, ok, I'll tell you this story.

    There's a shop near me with an old Indian woman behind the counter and she has a FULL GROWN GOATIE AND MOUSTACH!!!

    I send people there to buy gum or matches just to see her. You would not believe it. I bet they stay in business that way, it's like the local freak show.

    *waits to be told this is a medical condition*

  • nilfun
    Ack, you posted my worse picture. LOL

    I disagree.

    Ballistic, I do believe the thread that you are looking for is right over here.

    *snaps fingers in a Zee formation*

    I must admit, I am not a fan of beards.

    ...unless it's on Elsewhere, eh Joannadandy?

  • Jonadab

    I have a beard, pics of me at

    Nice beard Joel, but could you shave your back?

  • Xena

    Jonadab I tried to get him to let me wax it but he REFUSED....

    can you believe that????

    Course now I can't imagine him without it......well you know unless he changes his mind about the waxing thing....

  • songmistress

    Well, I just think Elsewhere is a real cutie-patootie, facial hair and all.

  • animal

    Here is a better shot of mine....


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Wow Nilfun! Now this is a comprehensive list. I always heard the reason why the JWs ban beards came about because Russell had a beard and when Rutherford took control and he wanted to differentiate the IBSA from when it was under Russell's control. The beard ban was one way to show that things were going to be different. I've even seen pictures from yearbooks and the magazines from back in the 30's showing Jesus as being clean-shaven (sometimes he even had blonde hair).

    I don't have a beard. Tried it once, but I just looked goofy.

  • nilfun

    I don't have a beard. Tried it once, but I just looked goofy.

    Got any pics? *waggles eyebrows*

  • Big Tex
  • hippikon

    This is a pic of mine

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