Who died and made you Grand Pooh-Bah?
In my experience, Grand Pooh-Bah's often start out self-appointed (not unlike the GB) and left unchecked, end up supported and even strengthened in position by their believers/followers/subjects. The Grand Pooh-Bah's I know, feel totally justified in leaving a path of destruction and pain behind 'em to maintain their "position" at any cost. Don't be fooled, their visions of grandeur can also be born of grande insecurity, among other issues.
(Perspective iz a lot).
Ive noticed that those with strongly differing opinions usually risk expulsion or alienation from the clique, or worse.
O the humanity. Politicking is everywhere u go. In the borg, outta the borg, Even on-line. It's the nature of the human beast. 'specially, it would seem, 'mongst the otherwise insufficiently occupied.
'Tsal fun n' games, I guess. *shrug*
I don't hafta like it, I just has ta put up wif it. But take heart, what goes around comes around and karma'll get 'em, if not the next Grander Poo-Bah.
Not that I aspire to any such leadership role, but Ive got a ready-made "motto" for those who do
"If Im wearing the Fez, youd better do what I says!"
Yeah, a motto is a good way to keep perspective. All hail the socialite and all her stooges!
'Bout all I can add iz, don't let it get to ya, pick yer battles, otherwise, try and stand back and appreciate it for it's entertainment value. That's about all its really worth. IMO, life's just too short to get all tangled up in it unless ya really hafta.
Realistically, me thinks maybe politics iz a necessary evil. But I'm not sure about that, it gets kinda petty & hurtful sometimes, all too often if ya ask me. Idealistically, me thinks that the true leaders that really belong, would serve by ruling and rule by serving, for sincere motives, not selfish agendas, and with consideration for all egos involved.
We're all in this sandbox togetha, wouldn't it be nice if we could build castles,
instead of insisting on destroying each otha? "What fun would that be?", says the Grand Pooh-Bah.