I saw my medical records the other day....

by meat pie 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    .....and inside was the letter I sent to my Doctor a few months ago, asking for my Health Care advance directive to be removed, as I no longer shared the beliefs of JWs. Attached was a note stating that my letter had been acted upon.

    What really caught my attention though was what was on the front cover, above my name were the words'Jehovah's Witness' crossed out.

    A funny feeling, then release.

  • Joyzabel


    isn't it funny how the little things are what catch our attention and mean so much!

    You can still have a medical directive, if you have strong opinions about your care if you are totally unable to voice your opinoin. i.e. prolonging death by artificial breathing, medications, etc.

    But in the mean time, I'm sure it was a little funny seeing what you no longer are!



  • Jesika

    Hey meat pie,

    I would ask the doc for a photo copy of the one that had the JW crossed out. Then I would suggest framing it and putting it your trophy room (). That is what I would do, but since I don't have a trophy room () I would hang it on the wall, I have plenty of those.

    Musta been a good feeling to see it in black and white, or whatever color it was .


  • BadJerry

    You bring up a good point. How many here still have their blood card in their wallet or like "MeatPie" have a medical directive with their Dr? Thanks for the reminder. I'm making sure all my No Blood Stuff is gone. Can you imagine your spouse, son, daughter, frantically pleading with the Dr and he not being able to do anything...now that would really suck! Thanks again for post!

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Hi there Meat Pie ;how are you ?

    I know what you mean, it's things like that that give me a feeling of odd detachment but also relief that I came to my senses!

    It felt strange when I had to look over a school form for this new term ; we had to change existing data and I had to cross out 'no blood transfusions' and hand it back in. As I did the alteration I felt embarassed just looking at the words ' no blood...' the look on the receptionist's face was one of curiosity mixed with relief. Now that I feel differently about blood- it's hard not to feel an idiot as I change all the school stuff - i'm so glad I 'woke up' before anything bad happened to the children.

  • LyinEyes

    Awhile back Meat Pie, I had to go to the hospital for some test. On a form they asked what religion, I told them,,,, Christain....... and it was a strange sense of peace in saying that. I know what you mean, I was smiling when I said it and I felt proud, even thou the lady didnt have a clue about how important saying that outloud meant for me.

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    I had to have emergency surgery a couple of months ago and it was actualy quite nice saying that I had no religion. I also told them that should I need blood to give it to me even if various family members objected to it because of JW beliefs. In fact, I told them I'd almost like to have a transfusion just so I could freak out certain people who would come visit but I didn't get any.

  • LovesDubs

    I had surgery in June...major surgery...and on my Living Will I emphasized the words "My husband is a Jehovahs Witness and may try to deny me blood if needed. I AM NOT A JEHOVAHS WITNESS AND IF BLOOD IS REQUIRED TO SAVE MY LIFE..THEN USE IT!" He had to sign it, he saw that, hesitated, then signed it very slowly. Also, on all of my childrens charts at their doctors office, I have added that the FATHER is not to be the decision maker if an emergency occurs with any of my children regarding the need for blood, that their MOTHER is to be sought out and in my absence, their AUNT (my husbands neveradub sister who is vehemently opposed) is to be contacted. You gotta do this stuff...I asked my husband recently what he would do if one of our kids needed blood in an emergency...he didnt answer quick enough. Then he said he "didnt know because it had never happened to him" I said "THAT is all the answer I need. If you are indecisive, that means you considered NOT giving it to them, and so help me God, if you allow one of our children to die because of this FALSE stand...I will hunt you down like a dog and kill you."

  • dsgal

    I'm so glad I don't have to pull my wallet out in the grocery store line and think the person behind me sees the blood card.Even when I was in and my son had a tonsillectomy I signed a consent form for him to have blood in case he needed it.That's something they never found out about.I mean,who's gonna let their child die if it can be avoided?

  • LB

    When I had my gastric bypass surgery I went to a bloodless hospital. It's a place lots of JW"s go to. On my hernia repair last year I went to the same hospital but when they asked me if I was still a JW I told them HELL NO and the lady really got a kick out of it. While I really don't want a transfusion if it can be helped, I certainly don't need to be dying. They would have charged me for that hernia repair even if I were dead. Might as well survive the darn thing.

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