I had surgery in June...major surgery...and on my Living Will I emphasized the words "My husband is a Jehovahs Witness and may try to deny me blood if needed. I AM NOT A JEHOVAHS WITNESS AND IF BLOOD IS REQUIRED TO SAVE MY LIFE..THEN USE IT!" He had to sign it, he saw that, hesitated, then signed it very slowly. Also, on all of my childrens charts at their doctors office, I have added that the FATHER is not to be the decision maker if an emergency occurs with any of my children regarding the need for blood, that their MOTHER is to be sought out and in my absence, their AUNT (my husbands neveradub sister who is vehemently opposed) is to be contacted. You gotta do this stuff...I asked my husband recently what he would do if one of our kids needed blood in an emergency...he didnt answer quick enough. Then he said he "didnt know because it had never happened to him" I said "THAT is all the answer I need. If you are indecisive, that means you considered NOT giving it to them, and so help me God, if you allow one of our children to die because of this FALSE stand...I will hunt you down like a dog and kill you."