Theocratic Warfare is used here in Australia by the elders conducting your second last part of baptism questions. I was asked if I would be willing to lie to protect fellow witnesses.
That question made me really pause. I said "Do you mean Theocratic Warfare, is this what you are saying that Christ did?"
They sort of hesitated before saying " Well, um...yes. Christ chose not to speak when he felt it was a waste of time"
I thought that was the most outrageous claim I had ever heard. Saying essentially that they thought Christ would lie ........for what ever reason. Then they spoke of instances where "other witnesses" had had to hide fellow witnesses from danger.......
"But what about the fact that Jehovah hates a liar" I said. Silence. "Well, of course that is a perfect God using his perfect abilities" What?!!!
"Oh. So what your saying is that because we are imperfect and subject to certain ailments of the mind, in this imperfectness that we have slumped to. It is okay to lie then".
Incredible but seriously true. I remember this vividly from three years ago. They repeated the question and I said.............."I would protect a woman, but I'm not sure I would go out and protect you for you are the elders and leaders aren't you?"
They said they would get back to me on that one..............