Please pray for my dad

by Dogpatch 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    For those of you inclined to prayer, I request it in behalf of my dad. He is in the hospital for a blood clot in his leg, which is potentially quite dangerous. He cannot move until it is dissolved, if that happens. Otherwise he will need an operation. But these nasty things can slip out and kill you at times, and that is why I am asking. He is almost 80 and in relatively good health for his age otherwise.

    If you want to leave him a get-well message, his site is at:

    All you have to do is to leave a message on his Guest Log and I will pass it on!

    thank you my dear friends,

    Randy Watters

  • Cassiline

    (((((((( Randy))))))))

    Please pass on my thoughts of well wishes! You both will be in my thoughts and prayers!

  • Jade

    (((((Randy)))))...I will keep your day in my prayers

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Hi, Randy. Just a quick note wishing you and your father well. Yes, prayers on his behalf too. Just posted the following on the board which you may find of interest too. Some friends and I will be emailing it to people including those never JWs (Mt 28:19). Although "underground" exJWs are increasing active in promoting what we believe is superior to the cult of the Watchtower.

    Hey there! Would you be interested in a free approximately ten page, emailed booklet explaining God's will and the Bible? If so, email me back. In summary it says God's kingdom will is for all persons of goodwill upon earth to enjoy His blessings including eternal life with Christ in heaven helping others upon earth being turned back to paradise beauty.

    Bible Groups are composed of two or more friendly persons or relatives, and the groups stay independent, make their own local decisions, use the Bible itself (especially the words of Christ) via regular reading for their Teacher instead of any formal paid clergy or publications. Groups freely decide who among them are taking the lead in acting as servants by showing active loving kindness and may designate those as group servants or, if older adults with children, consider them as elders. Free Christians are much like moderate nondenominationalists or Baptists, differing for example from Adventistic groups (SDAs, the Witnesses etc) in not requiring tithes, imposing or misinterpreting scriptures regarding emergency blood usage, wrongly claiming that showing respect to governmental banners or flags is worship etc since we believe in unity from love rather than compelled uniforminity in all beliefs, often citing Romans 14:1-6 which grants this godly freedom.

    We also offer logical answers for questions which sincere skeptics, from agnostics to atheists, have about the existence of God and the validity of the Bible. Becoming a Free Christian is as fast and simple as believing in what we have described here, meaning you are free to consider yourself one of us right now if interested whether you email back or not. You do not have to cease attending any other church or religious group you are attending, although some may and may consider this their only church affiliation. We close by encouraging and wishing peace upon earth for yourself and all other persons of goodwill striving after the kind of loving, helpful personality which we sincerely feel is best seen in the life of Christ.

    By emailing back we can tell you more. Thanks for having given sincere consideration to this. [email protected]

  • Surreptitious

    Wow, Randy, you're kinda famous you know?

    Best wishes to your dad. May that nasty clot soon cease to be.

  • Valis

    Randy, one of my friends moms died of a blood clot as of two weeks ago after having heart surgery...they neglected to give her a blood thinner after the surgery was done. Clots are very scary and I know you must be awfully concerned. I'm not a praying man, but I'm keeping good thoughts for your dad. BTW, thanks for your continuing work too.

    nancee, there ya go w/the spam again...nice try, but still spam.


    District Overbeer

  • Buster

    Good luck - and a speedy recovery.

    - Cliff

  • Kenneson


    Just said a prayer for your dad and you. I hope he has a speedy recovery.

  • pettygrudger

    ((Randy & Dad))

    You are in my thoughts & prayers.


  • freedom96

    Prayer already on the way for your dad Randy.

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