Bush not a Moron? Yeah Right!!!! lol

by troucul 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    EPA eases clean air regs on power plants

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration on Friday eased clean air rules to allow utilities, refineries and manufacturers to avoid having to install expensive new anti-pollution equipment when they modernize their plants.

    The long-awaited regulation issued by the Environmental Protection agency was immediately attacked by environmentalists, state air quality regulators and attorneys general in several Northeast states who promised a lawsuit to try to reverse the action.

    The rule changes, which have been a top priority of the White House, are aimed at making it easier for utilities and refinery operators to change operations and expand production without installing new emission controls.

    The new EPA regulation will allow industry to:

      * Set higher limits for the amount of pollution that can be released by calculating emissions on a plant-wide basis rather than for individual pieces of equipment.

      * Rely on the highest historical pollution levels during the past decade when figuring whether a facility's overall pollution increase requires new controls.

      * Exempt increased output of secondary contaminants that result from new pollution controls for other emissions.

    Vickie Patton, an attorney with Environmental Defense, said the changes amount to "a sweeping and unprecedented erosion of state and local power to protect the public health from air pollution" by thousands of power plants, oil refineries and industrial facilities.

    "They're going to do everything they can not only to roll these rules back at the federal level but to force states to dismantle clean air programs that have been in place for years," she said.

    Electric companies and their employees contributed at least $11 million to the GOP in the 2001-02 election cycle, more than twice as much as they gave Democrats...

    Coal companies and their employees made at least $1.9 million in political contributions in that period, with more than $8 of every $10 going to Republicans.

    Bush's 2000 presidential campaign was also a major beneficiary of the industries' largess. Several energy executives raised at least $100,000 each for Bush's campaign, and the energy industry, including electric and mining companies, gave more than $2.8 million.

    Many of the fund-raisers and donors were members of Bush's transition team, weighing in on energy and environmental policy as the president set up his administration.



    The Bush Administration waited until after the mid-term elections to enact these new measures. Critics allege that he did so now rather than earlier since doing so then would have probably not gone over very well with the electorate.

    Nah... Bush ain't no moron. In his own way, he is one very clever fellow.

  • sf

    ROFLOL Tom!

    Or: "There's Gold in them hills, by George(W.)!"


  • back2dafront

    Amen Reborn, amen! I don't know who's more moronic, him or the 1,000's of people that don't see through him.

  • teejay
    In his perspective, (beeeeeeeep) the average person, and (beeeeeeeep) the environment. All Dumb A$$ Dubya cares about is keeping his fatcat corporate contributors happy, redeeming the stupidity of his father in Desert Storm by chasing Saddam Hussein like a game of cat and mouse to take the heat off his Administration for the (beeeeeeeep) economy, and himself.

    ((beeeeeeeep) George W Bush. I'm putting this on a public forum and I don't give a (beeeeeeeep). As of now it is still a free country and I can voice my opinion. I hope (beeeeeeeep), and soon. In fact, I would cheer if he (beeeeeeeep). That's right, Im being controversial for a minute. I would celebrate his (beeeeeeeep). I would like to see him (beeeeeeeep).

    Jeeee-sus, Mary, Joseph!!

    Jason, I had the hardest time understanding where you were coming from. You could speak a little plainer? Thanks.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."((beeeeeeeep) George W Bush. I'm putting this on a public forum and I don't give a (beeeeeeeep). As of now it is still a free country and I can voice my opinion. I hope (beeeeeeeep), and soon. In fact, I would cheer if he (beeeeeeeep). That's right, Im being controversial for a minute. I would celebrate his (beeeeeeeep). I would like to see him (beeeeeeeep)"....

    Holy Camolie!! I usually refrain from comment on American politics because of percieved rabid patriotism on the part of the yanks, but Reborn having said that, I can feel free to say that every time we watch George W on the tv, sat in one of his "war councils" speechifying, my wife and I laugh our asses off. The Guys a bloody farce. (IMO)

  • freedom96

    Wow, quite a few Bush haters here......

    I'm just glad that sorry as Gore isn't in office.

  • Bendrr

    At least Al Gore-bachev isn't running the show.

    Oh and by the way, Bill Clinton did the same thing in Korea. That's him on the left.

    For all we know, it might be some inside joke for presidents to do that.


  • back2dafront

    Teejay, yet again i don't know if you're being sarcastic or not! hahahaha

    If you are, no need to respond. If you aren't, i'm agreeing w/ everything reborn said and saying that people are morons for thinking he's such a great President, because I can see right through all his "hidden agendas." Not to overlook some of the good things he's done, just saying.....it's quite evident this guy is in it for money and ratings and doesn't give a rats ass who he walks over, fellow country men or not, to get it.



  • teejay

    For all of his various and sundry inadequacies as President, you hafta hand it to Bush for at least one reason. It's clear that as muddy as his thinking is and as glaring as his grammar usually is and as much as he's laughed at by virtually every world leader he meets, you have to hand it to him -- he always gives the clear impression that he has a complete belief in every single word he says, no matter how short-sighted they are or preposterous they are. His assuredness in his own speech seems to be convincing to those who either don't know any better or who are dyed-in-the-wool Republicans.

    During the recently completed mid-term elections, none of the trifling Democrats could overcome that one "strength" of his. Their wimpishness is now a matter of law insomuch as the Republicans now OWN all three branches of gov't (including both houses of Congress). Hate to think what that means for us U.S. citizens over the next two years (or for the free world), but that's the way it is.

    IMO, rather than view Dubya as a moron, he demonstrated a certain shrewdness when he continually outmaneuvered his critics by harping on the "if you're not for us you're against us" mantra as well as insinuating that speaking against the post-9/11 Administration was akin to outright treason. In pulling off that diversionary tactic over the lame-brained Dems, Bush has effectively been able to reach the position of total control over them, now with the vote of the people as a mandate -- something missing when HE was elected.

    God help us.

    p.s. I have the feeling that before Dubya leaves Washington (in two or six years) some of those who are now singing his praises will be forced to acknowledge what should be clear enough already. IMO, Dubya is a dangerous man.

  • bigboi
    Not to overlook some of the good things he's done, just saying.....it's quite evident this guy is in it for money and ratings and doesn't give a rats ass who he walks over, fellow country men or not, to get it.


    If u can see this and other ppl cansee this as well, why didn't the Dems take notice and say something during the past election. What is it about this guy that seems to have them so scared?

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