The right now men and women are trying to find common ground so women can be thought of and treated as equel.
This is a good and noble pursuit but, there should be places women can go and be with just other women and the SAME should be for men.
So many woman want equality at all costs and so many men would love to view women as such that they forget privacy.
For instance.....we are of the opposite sex and chemical reactions can happen....not that people run around like animals in heat but, often there are places a woman (and I am sure even men) would just like to be left to relax.
Example....when I was a younger woman and I went to the health club....I couldn't get a good work out! Always some guy OR guys would be staring or coming up and handing me lines...etc. At 1st it's flatering but, I mean it gets to be disruptive and lets be honest....I didn't want to make up for a work out. Then one day came womans work out world! I was so HAPPY!!! I could now go and work out and RELAX. I love that kind of know.
Now I am sure men would love a place to go and not have to worry of how they look and belch without a condesending look.
I don't think it is a mark of equality that a mens club has been forced to allow women in but, rather a mark of insecurity on women fighting for such things. The existance of such places do not make woman less equal to men but, compleatly equal in that we are confident enough in ourselves to let men have a place alone where we don't get to peek in!
Ok just my 2 cents worth...or less
Ty for listening.
bye bye 4 now
Utopian Raindrops