What is the purpose of this Forum?

by lv4fer 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    : We need to continue to keep topics running about the WT errors, changes, there are so many It would never get boring. Remember there are new people coming in all the time. They may not know about the UN thing, Silentlambs, constant flip flops of doctrine, error of doctrine. These are what we need to be showing them.

    This board is about pizza. And toenail polish. And favorite colors. And favorite posters. And your favorite music, such as it is. Boob sizes, penis sizes, crazy sexual encounters and such. And "what is your favorite anything" polls that are endless and daily.

    I had to learn this the hard way, and believe me, I fought a lot harder and longer than you. And like you will, I lost. The folks who live for those topics mentioned above have determined the content of this forum and after all, this is a free Internet and the will of the folks rules.


  • Beans


    Most JW's lurk here, if they do come here chances are they wont post and will assume it is APOSTATE anyhow and split fast. This forum is more useful to those questioning the Organization. What JW will want to participate with Apostates? If you have read the publications you should not be here!

    But a Jehovahs Witness has the answers to everything anyhow so why even come here?


  • Farkel

    : But a Jehovahs Witness has the answers to everything anyhow so why even come here?

    Because the smart ones know that most, or ALL of their answers are stupid and fantasy, that's why. That's why they come here, and then they learn about Pizza instead. And they see some swear words that they hear every day, all-day-long, every-day-of-the year in any Country, and that they hear their own Elders use off-the-record, of course.. And then they leave all pissed off SHOCKED that people use language and discuss subjects that people use language about and discuss subjects about ALL THE TIME in their own life.. But at least they know a little more about Pizza. Therefore, they leave pissed off, but enriched in their pizza life.


  • unclebruce

    Hey Bathory,

    As far as i know MrFarkel is waiting for an invite and an air-ticket. How do you sugest we get 'im here? Book him as excess baggage on the next aero-flop flight from LA? .. Third class passage aboard the next sheep ship departing San Fran? .. send him this way in a row boat with short sail, boy scout compass and a box of mars bars?


    ps: the worse swearing i ever heard (disregarding my own more recent propensity to swear foul and odorous when excited) was amoungst Elders on building sites. If ya truly wanna know what language a man is capable of try droping something heavy on his big toe or have him hammer his fingers or clunk his head with a roof beam or electrocute himself or something .. Has anyone posted here about near-death experiences? Many times whether on land and sea i think my final words will be "Oh SHIT!!!" :)

  • Farkel

    I'm OK you're OK but that bloke over there is Theodore Jaracz

    Now, THAT is hilarious, Unc!


  • jurs

    Hi Iv4fer,

    When I first came here the swearing was a bit shocking. I kept thinking "these were my brothers and sisters?" I even called my husband over to read a few posts because I couldn't get over that these people were once or still JW's. I can see where it could be a bit of a turn off to a lurker but my own experience was that it was also amusing. I never knew so many JW's had a sense of humor, I rarely experienced that at the hall.


  • Mum

    I am not sure what the stated or unstated purpose of this forum is. I come here to get different perspectives on the topics posted and, of course, to learn everyone's favorite color, pizza topping, ice cream flavor, sexual position, vacation spot, rock star and a myriad of other personal preferences.


    SandraC of the "fluffy wannabe class"

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hey Downunder

    Don't let it get to you honey bunz...all you have to do is kiss the likes of Farkel on the Freckle, Uncle Bruce on the Button and Bathory on the Botoodie. They are the scariest by far - not counting Prisca LOL.

    If you come across a geezer by the name of Popeoferuke, just moon him and say its from me!


  • Prisca

    Beck, what about kissing Refiner on the Raspberry? He sometimes looks scary, but he's mostly harmless.

  • Mackin

    Beck, welcome back.

    Where you been. I've been missing you.


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