: We need to continue to keep topics running about the WT errors, changes, there are so many It would never get boring. Remember there are new people coming in all the time. They may not know about the UN thing, Silentlambs, constant flip flops of doctrine, error of doctrine. These are what we need to be showing them.
This board is about pizza. And toenail polish. And favorite colors. And favorite posters. And your favorite music, such as it is. Boob sizes, penis sizes, crazy sexual encounters and such. And "what is your favorite anything" polls that are endless and daily.
I had to learn this the hard way, and believe me, I fought a lot harder and longer than you. And like you will, I lost. The folks who live for those topics mentioned above have determined the content of this forum and after all, this is a free Internet and the will of the folks rules.