My favourite has been the never-ending "Vincent" thread. It has been a refuge during stormy weather on this board. I don't contribute to it as much as I used to, but it is still a thread I like to take my time reading.
by BATHORY 22 Replies latest jw friends
>> But you ain't gettin no 15 percent of gross.......unless you can answer why 'the thermos keeps my coffee so hot.....or cold....just how do it know?
>It's DEMONS, you idiot. They're trying to trick you into believing that a themos will keep anything at whatever temperature it is when the thermos is sealed could not be possible without their intervention.
I can tell you didn't stay Awake! in physics class. Every physics student knows a thermos keeps it contents hot or cold by having a vaccuum sealed between its double walls.
The perfect vaccuum is acheived by stuffing the thermos walls with tiny Jehovah's Witnesses who are intensely studying Watchtower articles on the evils of Independent Thinking.
I'll go along with Hilary Steps who pays the ferryman...
HS, "Who Pays the Ferryman"
Teejay's post on the "bowl of marbles"
Expatbrit's post with advice on exiting the cult.
Frenchy's original stories that made me re-think "God"There are several posts that have left a mark on me although I never saved them. I wish there would be a way to find them more easily in some sort of archive.
I also like the many posts everyday that make me laugh and smile. There are many with a great sense of humour here and sometimes in the morning I just find myself laughing at the dumbest things at my computer.
And while I share little about my personal life in such public places, it is always interesting to read the life stories of those who do share and put faces to the names of those that post their pictures.
Amid the personal attacks and tiresome arguments, there is much that is special that still makes this place worthwhile.
My all time favorite post was when I posted my personal story. It isn't my favorite for what I wrote, it is my favorite because of the love and support that fellow posters showed to me during a difficult time remembering the past. I was still a newbie and had no idea who these people were......but none the less, they were so welcoming, kind and gentle. It has been fun to get to know those that responded to me better.....also reminds me how important it is to take the time to read people's personal stories and give back what I received. SECOND favorite post has been the picture thread also. I enjoy putting a face on my "cyber friends".
Geeze, I really like my "Tips for Keeping Awake During the Assembly" post........think of how many thousands it helped get through the 3 longest days of the year!!!
The perfect vaccuum is acheived by stuffing the thermos walls with tiny Jehovah's Witnesses who are intensely studying Watchtower articles on the evils of Independent Thinking.
OMG, Thanx for making me laugh so loud Richard
My second favorite is the picture thread.
My favorite is this one:
Country Girl
I think my favorite post was when somebody posted about the secret of life... and then I just started laughing.
The pic threads are usually fun....and who can forget the controversial - well, it turned controversial anyway - Naeblis pic thread.
The most important topic, on the other hand, to me, has been the child abuse topic (issue). Secondly, I'd have to say the UN issue.
Amazings Exit story
Farkels Return to Basics (and other posts)
two off the top of my head........