rem's 1st Annual Birthday Bash

by rem 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • rem

    This old guy turned 27 earlier this month. It was my first birthday party and my "Non JW Friends" (haha - they even put that on the invitation!) took me out. Had lots of fun. I might even do it again next year!

    Here are som pix for all of you who missed out on the revelry. Sorry, there were no beheadings... we were trying to keep it low key. hehe


  • Xena

    Happy late Birthday! Looks like you had a blast...even if you didn't cut off any heads...

    Thanks for posting the pics! Your friends look nice (for worldly people )

    PS Did you make a wish?

  • rem


    Of course! I wished for 100 more wishes. Ooops... was I not supposed to tell? Hmm... maybe I'll try again next year.


  • Prisca

    Happy belated birthday!

    How did it feel celebrating your birthday for the first time?

  • crownboy

    Well, happy (belated) birthday to you too, rem. I guess you couldn't be more of an apostate unless you made your cake out of blood . It looks like you and your friends had alot of fun there, hopefully you can do it again next year.

    BTW, who's the person next to you in the second picture?

  • COMF

    Happy remday, rem! You party animal, you!

  • IslandWoman


  • Mulan

    You're a guy?

    Happy Birthday!!!

  • rem

    Thanks, guys! It was pretty fun. Didn't seem too weird, though... probably since I've been to a few bday parties for friends since leaving the troof.

    Crownboy, that's my brother and sister. She's married (you know how us JDubs get married young). Actually, I just got worried in case someone saw their pictures on here since they are not DA'd or DF'd. I figure that celebrating birthdays isn't a DFing offense, though, so they should be ok.

    Mulan, hahaha... yeah, I'm a guy. With a name like Kelly, I get that a lot. It's probably best if I stick with rem.


  • larc

    Hey rem, I am glad you had such a nice birthday party. Ain't life grand? Just wanted to tell you that you are one of my favorite posters. For an "old man" of 27, you have a lot of good brains going for you. Just think what you will know when you are my tender age of 62. Well, from reading your posts, I think you already know as much as I do. Hey, I am OK with that. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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