What I mean is, we keep seeing new issues emerge which highlight the hypocrisy, and some cases, the downright evil of the Wathctower org, such as their fartarsing around with the blood doctrine, the UN NGO scandal, ownership of shares in arms manufacturers, the paedophile cover-ups and associating with other religions in order to band together to secure continued "freedom of religion" from worldly governments. Will this steady flow of emabarrassing info about what they are truly about continue, or will it one day stop? What is likely to be the final issue?
Will There Be A Final Issue?
by Stephanus 12 Replies latest jw friends
if what Blackguard wrote in the other thread is true, then The Watchtower will ALWAYS be around; the core evil that promotes it is too powerful to let it die away. The money making potential of having 6 million drones selling the merchandise will not be allowed to totter.
The doctrine, teachings, beliefs etc are just all smokescreen. None of it matters to the Managers. Its simply the opiate used to control the drones. They don't care whats right or wrong, they have no Biblical or spiritual motivation. They will just keep changing it to keep the current drones happy and get new drones. Losing a few along the way is of no consequence.
I really deep down believe the Org. will always be here in one way or the other. The power behind it is too great. That power is money. Its simply EVIL.
Edited by - popeoferuke on 25 November 2002 20:40:7
I don't know if there will be a final issue. Just look at the catholic church history, they are still going strong. Thw wt monetary value will most likely increase, as it does the leaders may become more greedy. There is a phrase " power breeds corruption".
Yeah, it's hard to anticipate what any last issue will be - after all, the others were real revelations when the beans were spilled on them. I guess the "last issue" will be the one which makes them look like any other denomination of mainstream Christendom - it means a wholesale divesting themselves of most of their whacky doctrines by which they differentiate themselves from everyone else. So does it end with a bang...or a whimper?