Japan Lost 589 Congregations

by metatron 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Things must be getting tough for the 'number puffing' theocrats in Japan.

    3802 congregations (1999 yearbook)
    3213 congregations (latest report)

    a loss of 589 congregations

    In France, they lost 172 congregations, relative to the 97 yearbook
    (of course, they managed an 'increase' there, this past year, even while
    they lost 8 congregations)

    Also interesting, the average congregation size is increasing

    53.25 ('77)
    58.96 ('88)
    63.25 ('99)
    63.93 (present)

    The US average still hovers around 83 per congregation.

    Now, you Bethel lurkers, reading this can start begging for more money to change
    these stats next year. You probably need to beg for more elders too, unless sisters
    running mikes and accounts is OK.


  • Realist

    what exactly should prevent them from posting fantasy numbers? nobody would be able to check on them.

  • SYN

    True, true.

    But still, LOSING 500 congregations! HOLY COW!

  • Trauma_Hound

    The Japanese aren't stupid. :)

  • Elsewhere

    Congregation numbers shrinking and congregation membership is growing. Sounds to me like they are consolidating, which will reduce costs.

    This would certainly explain the "Super Halls" that are appearing here and there. Instead of one congregation in one hall, they are putting multiple congregations in one hall. Some even have two or more auditoriums so they can have two meetings at the same time - and still keep the congregations small and controllable.

  • TR
    The Japanese aren't stupid. :)

    So true. Makes me wonder why they were tops in the WT world for so long.


  • NameWithheld

    I think that posting fantasy #'s would work for awhile, but once they go down that road (and I'm not saying they they haven't!) they must continue to lie about the #'s. For example, after 2-3 years of 'fake' increases, even brain dead witnesses (who are huge gossips - and do talk to JWs all over the area finding out how their halls / circits are doing) would realize that something's fishy. When you go to assembly after assemby and see zero - half dozen baptisms, and every hall you know of is posting record low attendence, at some point you have to wonder where exactly this 'marvelous increase' is transpiring!

  • JT

    on a regular basis at bethel Lord Barry would dog the jw in the west since he was a missionary in the asian countries he would dog the west by saying how much more faithful they were- some of you may recall that Japan branch set an all time record for the most consective peaks

    each month they were breaking records and then the comment was made about asians that was made about black folks


    he talked about how their culture made them better jw DO AS YOU ARE TOLD ASK NO QUESTIONS

    HE Made the point that they don';t put indiviual concerns over the group- in the west WE FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS in Japan it is more subdued

    now we see that just as they came into wt in great numbers they are now leaving in great numbers

    ain't life a Bi%ch is what wt must be saying

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    As dishonest as they've been historically, for some strange reason, I think they're scrupulously accurate with their accounting of field service numbers. They seem to regard these as sacrosanct. Other than a favorable ``rounding off' to some of them,. I dont' think they ``fudge'' them much.

  • ThiChi

    I remember too how Japan was promoted in the 80's as the example for all to follow here in the US.

    The numbers increase does not impress me. Children born into captivity must play a part. Something is just not jiving. The WT loves to spread KHs and growth would be a good reason. As I remember, you look at splitting at about 175 publishers.

    Edited by - thichi on 26 November 2002 11:51:52

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