Ran across this tidbit of info...that's like three times a week...oh my! Now this type of information could start a flame war!
The Brits do IT more!
by BadJerry 42 Replies latest social relationships
*LOL* Three times a week? Maybe in an old folks home...
District Overbeer of the "Thrice A Day Keeps The Doctor Away" class
So who's letting the side down and dragging our average lower? I'm not sure if I can keep up this 3 times a night 7 days a week for much longer ...
We're talking about sex, not how many times you have to delete posts! LOL!
I'm not sure if I can keep up this 3 times a night 7 days a week for much longer ...
Good Heavens, Simon!
When I saw "The Brits do IT more!" I thought it was something to do with Information Technology! How sad that my mind works that way!
Spanner, LOLol.
Matty, I couldn't agree more
There should be a more acurate breakdown of English, Scottish and Welsh, not just British. One of them is probably dragging the figure down, I wonder which?
Actually it's not any of the current inhabitants of Britain dragging the average down, the figures just plummeted when I emigrated, that's all.
If that statistic includes how many times a person has sex with his/her hand, then I would believe it. Otherwise, I don't buy it.
I could not see Britons winning the overall average. After all, who would want to kiss someone with snaggleteeth?