Confidentiality. How many times does Ron de Rooy state the importance of Jehovah's Witnesses being confidential?
He even "counselled" BCG to keep quiet about her abuse, not discussing it with others, even though her father had by now been disfellowshipped, citing a scripture about "gossip".
Why did he do this to a victim of horrific incestuous abuse?
But who's confidentiality? That of BCG? To protect her from the awkwardness or embarrassment of sharing with others in the Jehovah's Witness congregation?
Watch the video. You'll learn that it was the confidentiality of BCH, the abuser. Even though he had now been disfellowshipped for "loose conduct" and lying (not sexual abuse). Even at this stage the elders were more concerned with keeping his actions quiet, with the potential "dragging of Jehovah's name through the mud" than they were of the young woman whose life had been destroyed at the hands of her father.
This is staggering.
Jehovah's Witnesses: this is your religion. This is your paradise. These are your "spirit appointment" men, your places of shelter.