The Big Dry - Report #3

by ozziepost 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    Pris, while the terrorist stuff figures (although I imagine not very highly - many of the Yanks here have expressed surprise that we were in Vietnam - we even managed to sink one of their ships with the Melbourne, for Pete's sake!), this thread is about weather. I'm sure you're riveted by Mulan's accounts of rain in Seattle or what the weather is like when Englishman takes his daily walk to the pub! LOL

  • ballistic

    All the British firemen are on strike at the moment. Good job we don't have your weather I think.

  • ozziepost

    this thread is about weather

    Oh no, it's not just "the weather"!

    The whole nation of Australia is in dire straits from this current drought. Goodness knows, even Johnny Howard's gone to visit the bush this week!

    Australia, as a nation, is fragile enough on this dry red continent, but our wealth comes, not from the great cities, but from the rural and mining sectors. What hurts them, hurts us all, even those on the coastal fringe.

    Pray for rain, Steph.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Prisca
    I'm sure you're riveted by Mulan's accounts of rain in Seattle or what the weather is like when Englishman takes his daily walk to the pub! LOL

    Stephanus, I am interested in subjects that might seem mundane to you. Whilst you may not find them as interesting as say, New Zealand politics (yawn), I happen to find them interesting purely on the fact that these things affect people whom are my friends. The weather, local events and anything else that affects my friends are subjects of interest to me.

    Not only that, but some of us like to look outside the square we live in. As Ozzie has explained, this is a drought that is affecting an entire nation, with the subsequent consequences. And if America, Europe or even little ole New Zealand was experiencing severe weather conditions (as have been reported in the past on this board) then yes, I will read those threads and I will appreciate that someone has gone to the trouble to inform us of situations that are affecting them.

  • Stephanus
    Not only that, but some of us like to look outside the square we live in.

    Good advice, and exactly what I'm saying. Local news isn't always worth advertising on an international board like this. Or is the fact that a guy pulled a gun on a fifteen year old girl on Woonona East beach yesterday in a sexual assault attempt something that I should dedicate an entire thread to?

    Besides, this thread wouldn't have been half as long unless someone had whinged! LOL

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Desperate situations call for desperate action: perhaps the Reich-Constable Cloudbuster is the answer to an Ozzie's prayers?

    WARNING: To avoid straining one's credibility, breathe deeply and avoid any sudden mental twisting motions.

    Start pointing those pipes at God!


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  • Mulan

    I keep forgetting that it's summer down there. Hope you have rain soon.

  • Stephanus

    Send us some of yours...

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Does anyone else in the big wide world really care about what passes for news in this backwater??

    I care. My wife lived down under for 3 years (1970-1973). Do you guys think the drought could be caused by the El Nino effect? I know here in Texas we got more rain than we needed and it was blamed on El Nino. Actually the summer here in Dallas was very mild compared to normal. Truthfully, I get depressed if there are too many sunny days. I need a good rainy day to cheer me up. No, really. And yes -- I'm very strange.

    So does the government have any plans to combat the drought?

  • Stephanus

    Yes, it's el Nino - on this side of the Pacific it gets warm and evaporates a lot more seawater than normal. It all heads east and dumps on you!

    As for governments combatting the drought: how are they supposed to do that?? I know they promise the earth, but I think rain is a little beyond them.

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