Poetic Justice.

by Monster 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Monster

    I just got off the phone talking with my baby sister,she had a bad day.She and a sister (kh lady) was out pioneering when they came across a house with a lady who acted as if she was very excited about jw visiting her home, first she appeared to be interested in the message they were speaking,and then out of the blue,the lady started snapping pictures of them,her husband came out with a video camera and begans recording them and asking them questions like: What's your name? where do you live? how old are you? are you married? do you have childern? do you have a boyfriend?. LMAO

    My sister and her friend became frighten over the whole situation and asked the home owners for the pictures but the home owners tells them no they will keep the pictures and show them to the neighborhood LMAO. The older sister became mad she walks a block down the street to a pay phone calls the cops. The cops tells her,there was no law broken they are within their rights as home owners to take pictures of anyone who steps foot on their property. This really upset them.

    I am laughing at the whole thing because this really scared them and it's a little funny to me, but, being the big-brother that I am I assured my sister that, that was probably their way of making sure jws, (or maybe anyone else) didn't visit again with out permission. Poetic Justice I guess.

    I would never let anything happened to her :smile:

    Have a good nite everyone

    Peace James.

    Edited by - Monster on 26 November 2002 23:54:19

  • jurs

    That is too funny !!!! I wonder if the couple are apostates !!!!!!!

    thanks for the laugh


  • Monster

    I'm thinking maybe I should find the home owners and ask for a copy of those pictures just to see the looks on their faces LMAO..


  • Francois

    What a grand idea. I think I will do that with my digital camera next time. I will tell the JWs that statistics say that one of them is a child molester and I'm going to post their pictures at KinderCare!

  • Monster
    and I'm going to post their pictures at KinderCare! Francois

    LOL If you do that, you'll never get a jw to knock on your door again.

    Peace James.

  • joannadandy

    Sorry...I guess I fail to see what's so funny.

  • Stephanus

    Just a harmless prank, Joanna. Who knows, perhaps those photos will turn up here - then Comforter can get all self-righteous and make accusations about stalking etc. What's wrong with a photo essay on field service, hmm?

  • joannadandy

    Sorry I just don't think it's funny.

    I realize they probabaly thought it was a harmless prank, but I would be pretty upset and distraught if strangers had pictures of me to "show around the neighborhood". Also what's up with asking the personal questions?

    If you want witnesses to go away...dont invite them in. Shaming a few sisters who are just following orders isn't going to accomplish anything except cementing in their heads that worldly people are goofball whack jobs who descriminate against them because they have the "truth"

    I'm sorry but I hate when people take their griveances out on individuals who have little or no control over what the people have grievances about.

    I work in retail, in advertising to be exact. I have no say over what corporate office chooses to put on sale and what to exclude. But I am a visible presence, so when someone has issues and bitches it's to me, the peaon who can do nothing, instead of taking it to the people who could do something about it. What does it do? It pisses me off. Instead of being sympathetic to this person and being willing to help them out so we can come to some kind of understanding I am more likely to say "tough shit...see ya" Is this helping anyone. Nope.

  • Monster

    Joanna, I understand your concern, believe me, I would never let anything happened to my baby sister, she's the only female in the family besides mom (i think it's okay to count your mom). I seriouly doubt the home owners are going to go out there and offer to show a tape of a couple of jws knocking at their door. And even if they did what kind of idiots would go and watch a movie like that?

    They probably got rid of the pictures if they did take them..Maybe the people are tried of jws knocking on their doors. They may have told others not to come back and this is a way of keeping them away, I did read a story about a woman who kept asking jws not to call to her home, she ended up suing them over it,I guess they just didn't get the hint,different people handle things different ways,different strokes for different folks.

    If I thought my sister was in any danger I would be over there knocking on his door myself. I don't think it's that big of a deal.

    Peace James.

  • LuckyLucy

    Lighten up Joanna!! Its a great idea! They came on their property! If you have nothing to hide why be afraid to get your pic taken! Next time they come to my door i am getting my digital camera out. Thanks for a great idea!


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