:Well here it is folks the response to my wife's letter. i guess i have become more evil between letters. Once again any ideas as to how to answer this type of logic?
It's easy since there as absolutely NO logic in her letter at all. Sound logic involves making valid assertions with conclusions that necessarily follow from valid assertions.
: To answer your question on how do I not know, but that what silentlambs is doing is Jehovah’s way of getting things changed, the reason I know it’s not is because Jehovah works through his organization,
Of course the only "proof" that Jehovah works through "His" organization is that an organization which CLAIMS to be "His Organization" has said so. That's circular reasoning.
...changing things from within not through worldly media and people who are bringing reproach on him and his people.
Since the Society has claimed in print that Noah and his family were examples of an "organization" in the Bible, this assertion also falls. Jehovah didn't use Noah to change anything. Jehovah himself killed the planet. As for not using worldly people to change things, what about all the countries that conquered Israel, including the Babylonians and Romans? That certainly wasn't done from within.
Bringing "reproach" means to discredit, to rebuke. Since you told the truth and the media printed the truth, she is right: the society's policies HAVE been discredited. Dubs use the word "reproach" as if it is some sort of a horrible sin to discredit their God (the Watchtower Corporation) even when it deserves to be discredited.
: Talk about an ostrich with its head in the sand. You are following an imperfect rebellious man, not Jesus Christ our leader and exempler.
Of course, that is the pot-calling-the-kettle-black syndrome, since she bases nearly every decision in her life on imperfect rebellious men in Brooklyn, who CLAIM to speak for Jesus.
: You’ve chosen to focus on one issue and disregard the most important issue, the sanctifying and vindication of Jehovah’s name and getting the good news preached before the end.
This single sentence is so loaded with logical fallacies that it's hard to believe. First, the "most important" Christian commandments are to love God and love your neighbor. Jesus said so. There is no command to Christians that the "vindication" of Jehovah's name needs to be done by humans at all, let alone be the "most important" issue. Nowhere does it say that preaching the good news is "the most important issue," either. It said it would be preached, that's all.
But the saddest part of her statement is both a red herring and an ad hominem. She is literally implying that it is WRONG to bring up the serious injustices because of the society's stances on child abuse, because it is not the "most important" issue. Using that "logic" reporting a murder is not the "most important" issue, either, and you would be wrong to do that, too. The ad hominem is that somehow you are wrong, indecent, whatever for daring to do what you did. In short, there is something wrong with YOU.
: I’ve mentioned this more than once and when you answer you always ignore it.
Repeating logical fallacies a million times doesn't change the fact that they are logical fallacies.
: Ya’ll are actively influencing others to turn against Jehovah’s Organization causing some to lose faith like the sisters husband I told you about in my last letter.
Another ad hominem. YOU are wrong for stepping forward with the truth because it might bring damage to a religious printing corporation. No concern for the thousands of individual child victims, no concern for justice against the wicked adults who did such things, and no concern for the religious printing corporation who permitted such things to happen. Simply, YOU are wrong because the corporation now has to face the music. That is very sad.
: His blood will be on silentlambs head.
Ask her to show you ANYONE in the Bible where Jehovah put bloodguilt on the head of someone who told the truth. Jehovah is a God of Truth, not of lies.
: What do you call people who cause others to doubt and turn away form Jehovah and his organization??
Honest people who expose religious tyranny.
: You cannot stop all children from being abused just as no one can stop incest, physical abuse, etc…
You cannot stop murder, either, so why bother to report it to authorities? There is NO logic in that statement. It is an EXCUSE.
: It happens outside and in Jehovah’s Organization from those not truly applying his standards.
Yep. So what's the point here?
: Jehovah will judge them and bring them to justice.
Once again, this argument if carried to a logical conclusion is that everything that is done wrong in the congregation should be left to Jehovah to sort out, and that humans shouldn't involve themselves. Yet, a teen-ager caught smoking a single cigarette can have his entire life destroyed and lose his family and life-long friends becuase the hypocritical WTS won't wait for Jehovah to bring him to justice. NO! They rush right in and proceed as judge, jury and executioner. Can't she see the hypocrisy in this? They judge tens of thousands of JWs every year, and pronounce their own punishment, but they want to be EXEMPT from any scrutiny and face any consequences for their own misdeeds. Sanctioning child-rape and letting the rapists go scot free in THOUSANDS of cases is a far worse crime than a teen-ager smoking a cigarette.
I think I'm beginning to get sick.
: In the mean time family can turn abusers or those highly suspected in. I know of cases where that was done and the ones who turned the individuals in were not disciplined by the congregation.
How freaking magnanimous! They DIDN'T PUSISH THE ONE WHO TURNED IN THE CRIMINAL! We'll let's just give those boys a medal for their wonderfulness!
: How sad that you choose to spend the remaining time in this system working against Jehovah’s Organization. Somewhere along the line under your husbands very subtle but persuasive influence you have lost the immensely good sense and wonderful discernment you had and are like a horse with blinders on that can only see in one direction.
Ad hominem. Note that NO evidence has been presented, only opinion and accusation.
: Don’t bother trying to reason with me and I won’t try with you anymore.
That sums it up perfectly: "I'm not interested in reason (logic). I'm just interested in condemnation and judging and protecting the printing corporation that I worship."
: My faith is stronger than ever. Part of the prophecy was how there would be those who would turn away from the truth. We’re supposed to meet together and all the more so as we behold the day drawing near. That is scriptural and you know it. Your dad and sister have told me they do not agree with ya’ll and don’t want to talk to you about it. It’s pretty sad when DF persons can see how wrong your course is, but you can’t.
Another ad hominem.
: One isolating himself will seek his own selfish longing, in this case-do or die on one issue.
That perfectly fits those bastards in their ivory towers in Brooklyn, doesn't it?
: Thanks silentlambs, I’ve lost not only a daughter but one whom I considered my closest friend.
That's what we call a f***-you. You "took" her daughter away from her. YOU. Why? Because you spoke the truth and exposed a secretive, self-perpetuating religious empire for what it truly is.
: When I say lost I mean having the very close relationship we had. I will never approve of what you are doing.
Sorry, mom. But God's approval is all that matters. Your opinions don't make wrongs right.