It has almost always been my experience that when encountering a Jehovah Witness with sword drawn to defend relgion the first demand is to establish what clan (relgion) I have been branded with. Thus the nit picking of my faith can take place. Like a tit for tat. Catholic's, Islam, Judism, they all have flaws. All relgions do. Like people, none are perfect. (Thank goodness)
There in lays the defeat of all Jehovah Witnesses propaganda. There is no perfection. No perfect truth, and that is a good thing. Faith is something that is free. There is no price but acceptance. But all to often relgion gives a licence through babtism where if you keep the domga (faith) then you have permission to have faith. Well, that is not true faith. That is not free. There is a price tag, Your free will.
So the point. "IF" you claim to have the " exclusive true faith through relgion" (which there is no such external thing) then you have to be correct in it. It does not matter what I think. My religion, my FAITH is not relevant because you have established that only yours matters. You think that you are already right. If my faith is not recocognized as equal, it is like me not being recognied. I am not equal. So give the Jehovah Witnesses the break they deserve. NONE! You owe them nothing. I think that evil people should be left to themselves. And we owe it to each other to support each other and, not be in a bid to control each other. "Compelled to Control," That is a sorry life indeed.
Edited by - Iwasyoungonce on 27 November 2002 14:4:19