Jesus and Jehovah are not the same being, they are totally separate, and there are scriptures that prove this.
But, you say that there are scriptures that prove the opposite.
Really though, Jehovah IS our saviour, and Jesus is merely carrying out His fathers will. Jesus died for our sins, but who provided this means of salvation? No, not Jesus, but our Heavenly Father did.
I agree. The Father and the Son are individuals. But their "nature" is the same. Hes anyone ever reasoned that the term "god" could be a state of existence or nature rather than meaning a singular being?
Think of flesh. It is the state of existence that man and woman exist in. Now think of God. It is the state of existence the Father and Son exist in.
Man and woman. Seperate and distinct. Same nature. The two become one physically and intellectually.
Couldn't it be possible that the Father aand Son approach this same state of existence in the heavens? The two become one spiritually and intellectually.
Jesus can never be equal to Jehovah, for the simple reason, Jehovah is the creator, Jesus is the creation. Jesus is as close as possible to Jah, but not equal to Him.
Jehovah is always going to be the HIGHEST in the order of things, because He created all things, and none of His creation can equal that.
The Father and the Son are individuals. But their "nature" is the same.
Can you see Jesus Christ killing off thousands of people? According to the bible, God has. Judging from the scriptures, Jesus is closer to fitting the description "God is love" and is "disgusted by violence" than any other so called "God" in the bible.
Isaiah 43:3&11 Isaiah 63:8 Luke 1:47 1 Timothy 4:10
Jesus as Savior
Matthew 1:21 Luke 2:11 John 1:29 Titus 2:13 Hebrews 5:9
So, how many Saviors do we have? Yahweh say's besides him there is no Savior! Is Yahweh lieing? According to the New Testament he is, is best to use the mind God gave you and draw your own conclusions.
Shhhhhhh....people might start thinking Jesus is Yehweh.
Interesting thing. Almost 7000 times Yehweh is used in the OT. With over 5000 manuscripts available of the NT, it's not in it once, excepting the abbreviated "Alleluiah"
My new name. (See Rev.)
PS. The Father committed ALL things to the Son. Could the Bible really mean all? Like every single thing including "the name?"