December Birthdays, please sign in.....

by target 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • target

    They are coming up soon, how many besides me?

    I was supposed to be born on December 25th and my mother wanted to name me Merry.

    Instead I was born December 19th and my father named me Mildred. Some punishment! I do not answer to it and may threaten anyone who calls me that.


  • Cassiline

    Ohhhhhhhhhh I know a board members B-day here on the 13th of December!! She shares the same B-day as my son Alex!!! he will be turning 3 this December.

    I'll let her tell you as to whom she is though!!

    Happy almost Birthday L!!

    Happy B-Day to all born in December!!!

  • Gopher

    Monday, December 9. I turn 40 plus 2.

  • Beans

    Beans is on the 21st

    Quotes is on the 19th

  • asortafairytale

    I will turn 21 on December 21st!


  • DannyBear

    To all you December babies,

    Ya'all have alot of nerve, gettin born in December.............I mean ain't it enough to have Christmas gifts? Nooooooo you guys want another day in December to be your special day! Damn.

    Just kidding, my lady's b=day is on the I better get my ass to the store. Ya know what is the worst thing about b-day gifts in December? Finding birthday wrap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • WildHorses

    I'm a December baby. Born on the 13th. This year I will be joining the old hags club. It's my 40th

    Edited to add: Cassi, was that L refering to Lilacs? LOL

    Edited by - Lilacs on 27 November 2002 23:46:43

  • DannyBear

    Lilac's Mon Sherri,

    One thing I think your NOT, is an old hag!

    Are you?

    Come here let me give you a big bear HUG you ole hag!


    BearAss being silly.

  • plmkrzy
    Instead I was born December 19th and my father named me Mildred


    I have one child born on Dec 19th

    I'm a December baby as well along with bookoo other family members. If I posted all the dates, well, I might get some pretty nasty phone calls so I won't.


    aww Lilacs the big 4 0 is not as bad as the rumors say it is. You'll see. It'll be great.

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 27 November 2002 23:51:43

  • Cassiline

    That "L" sure was Lilacs! I'll never forget you share your Birthday with my son, you told me long ago.

    Happy almost B-day Lilacs!!!

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