Headaches... any info?

by Vivamus 20 Replies latest social physical

  • SixofNine

    Hey Viv, sorry for the pain. I almost never get headaches, and when I do, I'm a wimp... so I can only sympathize with what you describe as severe.

    It sounds to me like migraine headaches, my mother used to suffer with them. Not sure if she ever found anything for relief, or they just went away.

    This survey might help determine the nature of your pain:


  • Vivamus

    Thanx for all the imput. I appreciate it.

    RunningMan, no, I don't drink coffee anymore.

    I have been wondering about them being migraines myself too. Trouble is, I can't pinpoint when they start, they are just always there. Anyway, my dad is taking me to his chiropractor, and my doctor is sending me to a neurologist. I'm hoping something will come out of that.

  • ugg

    try doing some upper back,,neck,,,and arm stretching exercises....maybe some thing is just minor pinched....just my two cents worth....

  • kaykay_mp

    i know exactly how you feel.

    last friday i had a migraine that kicked my a$$.

    i think it was due to pushing myself too hard on my run that morning. i totally dehydrated myself. but it had gotten so bad that nothing could cure it, except for a trip to the hospital. but my son had a doctors appt on that day so i thought i could muck through it. when i got to the daycare center to pick him up it got so bad that i passed out at the door.

    when i woke up, i thought i had died or something. they put a towel over my eyes so the light wouldnt make it any worse than it already was. my supervisor picked up my kids for me and the doctor was going to give me a narcotic to make the headache go away. it didnt get me high (awwww...) but i still felt like a million bucks. and at least i didnt puke all over myself like i do when i usually have a migraine.

    the bad thing about it was that i was going to return a brand new car that i bought b/c the payments were too high, but after i left the hospital, it was too late. now im stuck with payments of $442 for 56 months unless i refinance later on.


  • Beans

    I rarley get headaches but when I do I know it is because of lack of sex!


  • Vivamus

    Beans, lol. I can most assuredly assure you that sex, or lack thereof, is not the cause in my case. Kay, wow, that must have been horrible. Sorry about the payments.

  • Satanus

    What about dental problems? Bad teeth generate bacteria that get into the blood and iritate the brain covering (menenges), leading to headaches. Sometimes people get menengitis from tooth infections. Another possibility, how is your blood pressure? Neck vertebrae dislocated could be another cause. To check this, seeing an osteopath might be better than seeing a chiropractor. Chiros are sometimes a bit rough. Hang in there


  • LyinEyes

    I joked to another poster about being called in my dub days ,,,,,,"sister always has a headache". Seriously, I get them often and let me tell you I get every kind in the book. The migraines are the worst , the pain if like freeze brain when you eat ice cream too fast, blinding , knock you on your knees pain. I get the good ole PMS , hormone headaches too, fun fun being a woman . I get neck and tension headaches from pure stress. Since I am not going to meetings and left that JW dub crap my headaches are better,lots better.
    I remember reading a book on headaches that said if you take alot pain pills , even OTC kind like excedrin, you can get rebound headaches that just wont go away. You have to wean yourself off daily use of these.

    When I get a bad migraine I have to get a double shot of demerol and phenergan, to knock my butt out and let my brain rest. That is the only way to get rid of the killer migraine. Most folks who get migraines will tell you that when one is in full swing you can't do much. You want to lock yourself in your dark room, no sounds, they are amplified, you get real moody, you feet and hands my get ice cold, nausea, vomiting, I don't vomit but my mom used to real bad with hers.

    YOur headaches could be from TMJ, the jaw joint disorder, caused by a bad bite, griding your teeth, or injury.

    Guess what,,,,,,,, stress is the main cause of every headache in the book. If you can find the stress trigger point in your life you might can get the headaches to slow down at least. I swear my headaches are so much better since I got the biggest stress out of my life, being a dub.

  • Vivamus

    SS see my brilliant smile? Lol. I know it can cause the pain, but I have no problems in that direction.

    Dede, I know. What I have now, is different from migraines I have. Only way to relieve me of those is sleep, total darkness and total silence. Right now tho, I'd prefer those, at least I know how to handle them....

    My best guess as to what's happening now is the stressfactor. My symptoms are a perfect match to tension-headaches.... Also, doctor confirmed my HB level is too low, so I'm iron pills right now. Scully mentioned in chat that could help too, so I'm hoping for it.

    Edited by - Vivamus on 29 November 2002 14:58:5

  • blondie

    Many migraines are due to the vascular vessels expanding in your head. Ibuprofen is a good for that type of problem, 800 mg is usually sufficient if you take it right when you feel it coming on. Of course, any medication should be checked out with your doctor. Ibuprofen (Advil) works for many migraine sufferers.

    Blondie(who gives more headaches than she gets)

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