I'm sure you've heard Tom Daschel, Al Gore, Richard Gephardt and other prominent democrats wheezing and moaning about talk radio. You can bet your boots that within the next 12 to 14 months, the democrat party is going to attempt to reinact some form of the old "Fairness Doctrine" which said that if you allowed one political point of view to be aired on your radio or TV station, that you had to provide equal time for the expression of the opposing point of view.
I was employed in the radio/tv bidness during the years of the "Fairness Doctrine" and I can tell you the objective was never fairness. The objective was to silence critics of administration policy. The administration? Lyndon Johnson. Did it work. You bet your bippy it worked. And that's why we no longer have the "Fairness Doctrine." It was recognized as being an infringement of free speech, no to mention that it was not in any sense of the word "fair."
Now we see the democrat party has been beaten into a corner, as well as it should be, being the party after all of Marx and Lenin and some of the most dangerous political ideas in our history. Let me be clear. The so-called ideas of the democrat party are the thinly disguised ideas of Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro and other extremists. These ideas are dangerous to our freedoms, all of them, everyone of them. Pay attention to what the democrats are now saying about radio and tv news. They're saying that the media is right wing. They're saying that the media gets its instructions from the Republican National Committee. This is fantastic. The media have been leftist for as long as I can remember. It was Joseph Goebells who invented the Big Lie. Tell a Big Lie often enough and the people will start believing it. So here is the democrat party telling the Big Lie that the liberal media is suddenly controlled by the RNC.
Remember the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution? Read them to refresh your memory. These are the freedoms of which I speak. The democrat party has noxious plans to take these "inalienable" freedoms away from you. It can only be done by stealth; the democrat party has not the backbone to attempt to take away our freedoms by frontal assault. However, it will attempt the cowards way, by concealing what it is attempting to do by sly word play - like calling an assault on your freedom of speech the "Fairness Doctrine."
Here is how the "Fairness Doctrine" would work as the idea is currently being bandied about. For the last 60 days prior to an election, talk radio would be prohibited from discussing any political candidate, issue, or anything else having to do with politics. This would leave the newspapers as your only source of information, and the newspapers are overwhelmingly democratic. So far, the democrats havent' figured out how to stifle free speech on the internet, but you can bet they're trying.
Just thought you'd like to know what the democrats are scheming for you now.
One final thought. The democrat party hates talk radio in the same way the Leonid Brezhnev and the Russian Communist Party hated Radio Free Europe. And for the same reasons. Radio Free Europe brought the truth about the Communist Party and what the communists were doing in the world to the peoples of the the Russian Soviet. RFE exposed the lies of the Polit Bureau to the Soviet peoples and the Russian Communist Party hated RFE for that and attempted to jamb the RFE signal. That's what the American democrat party is attempting to do; it's attempting to jamb the truth about what plans it has for your freedom by "jambing" the truth from reaching your ears via talk radio and the Internet by any means possible (while calling it a "Fairness Doctrine). And it will not hesitate to stoop to the same low moral swamp as the Communist Party to shut it up.
Write your congressmen and senators. It's your freedoms we're talking about here.
Edited by - francois on 28 November 2002 12:5:9
Edited by - francois on 28 November 2002 12:13:40