Trying to define spirituality is about as easy as trying to define "God". A thousand different individuals could have a thousand different concepts of what it means. One person may associate spirituality with formal rituals of worship or expressions of piety. To someone else it may have to do with an elevated plane of thought or awareness. We all struggle with semantics, trying to express our perceptions of life and the universe and often the word or phrase we embrace to communicate our thoughts or mind may convey quite a different idea to someone else.
"Detachment is mandatory for us to be free. For as long as we have an attachment to anything, be it a circumstance, our past, a person, an attachment to needs of any type, then we are therefore subservient to that attachment."
I don't know if you mean that as literally as it sounds, but if you do, lots of luck! We all came into this world attached, quite literally, to our mothers. From the moment of birth we all depend on someone or something, outside ourselves, for sustenance and life, at least to some degree. While there may be those who like to imagine themselves as completely independent and self-sufficient, no one is. (Unless, that is, someone has discovered a way to exist in a vacuum!) No matter how much we may isolate ourselves from others, we are all dependent on someone or something for existence, for achievement, for fulfillment. That other person or thing may be our partner, our pawn, our scapegoat, our victim or our benefactor, but we are never the only player in our lives. And honestly, in my brief sixty years on this ball, I've yet to meet a single soul who has lived a full life with a true sense of real fulfillment, without attachments to other human beings.
But, that's just me!