Look, I have no more idea than the man on the moon whether the story is true or not. Frankly, it doesn't matter. In the tradition of Catholic Christianity I have used this song to teach my kids the truths I beleive in line with the interpretation given.
12 Days of Christmas
by Yerusalyim 15 Replies latest jw friends
That's cool. The only reason I jumped on this is that the title of the other thread was "history lesson" and it seems there is really nothing to back this up as true history. The thing that I noticed is that the claim didn't make sense to me and I found that others agreed.
I would be skeptical of this being true, but it is an interesting story.
I asked my History professor, and she said it was true. The catholics made up the twelve days of christmas to teach the catachism during a time of pursecution. Not sure if I spelled catachism right, I'm not catholic.
Mary, that was too funny!
Could your history professor please provide a cite to some evidence so we can put this to rest?
I still don't understand how this song does anything to teach Catholic catechism... it supposedly only teaches generic Christian teachings which were never banned during that time period. Sorry, still sounds fishy.
Well I can see what your saying rem, but I'm protestant and we don't have sacrements like the catholic church does nor do I know what the apostle creed is supposed to be. The protestants and catholics differed on just a few points of doctrine. Such as infant baptism. This would be a major deal for the catholics not to be able to practice seeing as how their religion teaches that a baby must be baptised for salvation. I can ask my teacher for any ideas she may have for info or websites on the subject. We were just learning about the catholic and protestant persecutions in class, so I figured she was a good person to ask. I don't have class again until Wed. nite. I will ask her then.