Well Northern Minnesota is now on the map!
by shera 15 Replies latest jw friends
I love you too Scootergirl, I think your wonderful. You've done some great things for folks and yes the Christmas exchange was a fabulous idea. But tell me Scootergirl will you let me ride your BIKE!!! HUMMMMMMMMMM. I mean I said all these nice things about you and Valis tells us of your great hospitality and all but he didn't say anything about you letting him ride the BIKE. So whats the scope Scoot? I mean I will still say nice things about you no matter what. Just asking of course in case I end up in Minnesota. I know my paws will be sore but you can still take me on your BIKE right.? Then when we get back to your place we'll drink beer until there is no tomorrow. Sitting out on the porch under the snowy sky cause you have a beautiful yard. Well now the we have this issue all settled, don't tell Valis I am coming up for a BIKE ride okay, he might get jealous. And God forbid that should happen cause I like him. He is sweet. But don't tell him I said that. Its our secret.!!!
Well I must go curl up and go to sleep now, so just one more thought I really really do like you.
Love Orangefatcat.
Thank you, orangefatcat! How sweet. Ah.......driving my bike? Well, there has only been two that have driven her (other than me).......Filthy, who got the bike for me for a wedding present, and my brother, another avid rider. It purrs best for me.......guess it must be tempermental! But I would be willing to give you a ride.......LOL
As for drinking beer......LOL.......ask Travis how I do with that. One beer and I am as sleepy as a cat laying in the sun! LOL........but, Crown and Coke can keep me up and giddy! Listening to the peeper frogs and watching the fireflies?........you got yourself a deal! Come anytime!