I had the most strict elder father on the face of the earth. I wasnt even allowed to say a boy was cute. He acted like anything to do with the opposite sex would somehow taint me , even thinking or speaking to boys was forbidden. The older I got 16 , 17 , that just got to be way too much... I mean it is natural to want to talk to boys , I lead a double life at school, and everyone knew not to call my house and ask for a date, or to talk to me when my dad dropped me off at school. Mom was different she even let a guy talk to me on the phone one time without telling dad, but later she used it agaisnt me when she got mad at me. My dad would beat my butt for the least little thing, and the humiliation was worse, the look on his face like I let him down broke my heart. But I can't explain to this day why I fear him so much. I took his beatings and they were pretty tough , but I have seen kids get it alot worse. I guess it was just another form of mind control.
Oh, how I wanted to grow up and get out of that house. I never once , not even once, entertained the thought of running away. He would find me no matter where I would have went anyway. That just was not an option. I was jealous of my friends who did run away, for they had the nerve I never did. I felt so helplessly stuck in that prision of a home. My senior year of high school I had a brand new mustang for my graduation present. I was to work in the office of my dad's right behind our house, as I had since i was 14 to pay for half of the car. On the last day of school, Dad told me my days would be full working in the office, something I detested. He made me have a nervous stomach and his temper was terrible. All my friends were going to college, off to Florida on a bus for a year in trip. I had to wave bye to them all and walk away with my dad back to our car, knowing my life , the little bit of my double life, normal teen life, was over. I had no retreat in school, no way to be connected to my friends anymore, they literally all left me behind, not knowing my life would get worse. My mom wasnt even at my graduation ,because she was stoned on her pain pills.
I seriously thought of driving that new white mustang over the railing of the bridge. I think it is so darn sad and I get mad now , that , that even crossed my mind. I felt so helpless and out of control with my life that I thought that was the only was to escape. I don't know why running away didnt cross my mind at all, I guess I thought my dad was so all powerful he would find me , so why try.
The wheels of life turned , and things changed but that is a whole different story, with a even sadder outcome. I wouldnt go back to being 18 for anything in my life , the things that happened after that paled in comparison. I am glad I am out of that town and away from all those memories. Moving away helped alot. Guess I was really "on the run " then. Now when things get boring or not the way I want them to go,I want to run..........lol a grown up wanting to run away ,with my family of course , but just run to a better place. But then it passes and I come back to my senses and know now , I have the power to make things better no matter where I am at.