Full Face Transplants To Be Reality In A Year

by onthego 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • onthego
  • teenyuck

    Michael Jackson needs to get on the list

  • Pathofthorns

    I have no problem having a signed organ donor card, but would not not concent to donating my face. It sounds kind of ridiculous imo.


  • Jesika

    I see nothing wrong with it. I would donate my face if I died. I won't be using it anymore, why not give it to someone who needs it or part of it?

  • freedom96

    What a blessing for those who are disfigured for some reason.

    Could cause potentional problems with criminals and tracking them, if they had the money and unethical doctors for the proceedures.

    I think life in the next 20-30 years will blow us away with how different it is on so many different levels.

  • BluesBrother

    OK whose face would you like to receive?

    By the way,in a TV interview with a disfigured man, he said that he had taken so long in operations already and struggled to get used to the way he looks, that he would not want to go through it all again.

  • blondie

    Too bad they can't do personality transplants.


  • hippikon

    Why blondie Whos personality do you want

  • hippikon

    Can you see in the future poor selling there faces on the back market

  • glitter

    At first I thought "It's bad enough when somebody you love dies and you keep thinking you see them in the street, without *actually* seeing them in the street!" but you only look the way you do because of facial muscles, bone and fat - I suppose the recipient will just look more-or-less like they would have anyway. It's just skin.

    No family visiting the body and no open coffin though. Internal organ donation doesn't prevent that.

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