by ScoobySnax 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    Cripes!!! I've got the mother of all headaches thats lasted for a few days know the type of one that makes you think brain tumour/meningitis/encephalitis/ I'm about to have a stroke, what if I die in the night and they find me 2 days later etc etc........reckon it must be stress. Why do I always think the worse when I get something like this? always gives rise to feelings of panic/anxiety and they are the worst feelings ever. .......Just wanted to type this to try and take my mind off it! ...Quick someone take me away!!

  • Francois



    Hi Guys,

    This is my first time on this site and my firt time in a chat room. I was brought up as a JW and still am to some degree.....the info on this site is pretty amazing....

    Pls forgive if I have missed some "etiqute" here!

  • SPAZnik

    Awww, Scooby, hang in der.

    Welcome CHICKENLIPS. If ya start your own thread, you will get more replies. Look forward to gettin' ta know ya.


  • outbackaussie

    **passes a bex to Scoobysnax** Take this and have a lie down. I hate headaches, so debilitating. Hope it goes away soon.

    Welcome Chickenlips...nice to see you here

  • Blueblades

    HI! SCOOBYSNAX,Just today one of my children went to see a neurologist and had an MRI. done.He has been suffering from symtoms that appear to be either TIA'S OR MIGRAINES which mimics Tia's(Transient Ischemic Attacks)This nothing to fool with don't delay get to a doctor, find out what it actually is .Don't suffering needless anxiety or panic attacks.Blueblades

  • ScoobySnax

    Typing like mad...., it will go, it will go!.....looks like my head pain has been hijacked my someone with chicken-lips, now thats something that must be awful!! ........thanks for the sympathy!

  • Prisca


    I used to get migraines alot, so I know about the pain of headaches that won't go away. I find that having very warm to hot showers help, all the steam and warmth seems to ease the tension. I then take some asprins and go to bed and try to get some rest. Don't let your mind think about anything, just try to zone out and relax your body.

  • shera

    I have never had a headahce like that....I've seen people with nasty headaches,I feel for you.My daughter gets migraines....she can't drink orange juice.Foods can cause migraines,that you are senstive to.Have you gone to the doctor?You don't need to suffer like that.

    Try and take care and try to relax.

  • ScoobySnax

    You are all so kind.........and thanx, I just run a deep warm bath with plenty of Radox in it......gonna chill out now...I'm sure it'll pass......Course if I don't post again that means it was terminal !! , see there I go again!!....get a grip Scott. Nice to see that us JWs and ex-JWs can find some common ground even if its over a git of a headache! I'll be back soon I'm sure..........

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