Thanks for sharing you feelings. Many of us here understand how you feel. The vulnerability and confusion can be rather overwhelming while you try to find direction in your life at the time of exiting. I can only offer one piece of advice that helped me to focus and see my way through the mine field you encounter after exiting: THINK and absolutely know that you have the right to believe anything you want to. I for my part refused to believe in smoke and mirrors again. I sought a path of truth as far as beliefs go - hence I demaned proof for my own satisfaction. But then everyone is different and while you might find others here who have ended differently to myself (an admitted atheist) when we debate or exchange ideas it is just like exercising to stay healthy.
So do yourself a favor and use your freedom of thought, freedom to explore the REAL world and freedom to learn whatever you want to. There are many sites and people to stimulate your thinking - suprisingly most of mine were worldly folk but so many others here have been through the mill and they are here for you any time you need them - myself included.
Another ASSinine comment from me...