Day 7 of the Australian Royal Commission has chair Justice Peter McClellan raising the point that I have been wondering about all along, which is, how can these elders not report child abuse to the authorities especially when a full confession has taken place?
Justice McClellan asked Toole, the WTS's lawyer, if he is aware that there is a difference between an organisation being required to have mandatory reporting of child abuse to the authorities and misprision which is the concealment of a felony, itself a criminal offence?
Toole says he is aware of it now but he wasn't before! I find this incomprehensible. Surely a lawyer knows that concealing a crime is in itself a crime? All along I, as a person unfamiliar with the intricacies of criminal law, have nevertheless been thinking surely they are committing offences by concealing these crimes of child abuse.
The counsel for BCB and chair McClellan have just pointed out before the Commision adjourned that individuals all do have this obligation under Australian law aside from organisational mandatory reporting. I wonder now what will be the fallout from this?