'Religion' after the Witnesses? Is it possible? Any comments? -J
'Religion' after the Witnesses?
by happysunshine 16 Replies latest jw friends
I find it difficult to be a member of any cult .
No other religion is as radical as the witnesses. They are the only ones who say, with us you live eternally, and away from us your dead forever. That is a scary taught. So we are in fear, when leaving this religion. So I think even if we like that religion or hate it, we fear it to be the real daddy of religions. And thats maybe only an optical illusion also
I find that religion after the witnesses is possible. For personally, it is a greater appreciation for the relationship I have directly with Jesus, as apposed to going to some formal place.
I would rather listen to what the bible has to say, rather than some religion telling me what to do.
The witnesses have put me off organized religion forever, I think. Although I might be willing to associate with the Episcopal Church for socialization purposes.
However, if the witness experience left me with anything, it is an appreciation of the spiritual as opposed to the religious. It also has left me thinking that the Hebrew Scriptures are virtually worthless as a guide to knowing God - the real one, not Jehovah. It's made me think that most of the Aramaic scriptures are not reliable either. The letters of Paul are highly suspect to me. The red words of Jesus are pretty good, I think, but probably not totally accurate.
It's made me look for the spiritual writings over all the world and I've found a treasure trove of truly spiritual information that is quite consistent from century to century and from culture to culture. I've learned to listen to the small, quiet voice within and to seek its guidance. And with this I'm content. I'll never follow another man or another organization. If God really is my father, he'll let me know what I need when I need it, directly.
nope- if there is anything i have learned about belief systems and that is they all share some very important common threads for the most part--- especially the major belief systems that perhaps 80-90% of the world follow:
1. "We got the inside track to god and you don't"
2. "If you don't believe what I do my god will kill you"
and regardless of what folks try to say , try to explain away ---the above is the bottom line, the only thing that is different is how Politically Correct that belief systems and it's members want to be in terms of stating the above
Hell even the JW know better than to say today that ONLY JW WILL BE SAVED
my man dannybear put it best:
Once you come to the conclusion you have just presented, it becomes very difficult to promote one belief system as THE TRUTH, THE WAY over any other..............that is where the wtbs and every other religion/cult ends up........in a stalemate. My god can beat your god up!
Like you have said many times 'do it our way, or you die'. To buy into any religion, one must be prepared for the really hard question:
Will other's not worshiping my god, be saved? If the answer is yes, then who really cares what god or belief you have, everyone is foot loose and fancy free to do whatever they please. Yet how many 'true believer's, honestly answer this question? Iam afraid when push comes to shove, Allah is not acceptable to Christians or vice versa.
yes post-jw religion is possible though it can be diificult at times. i am babtized as a member of a babtist church and am ordained as a minister thru universal life church( www.ulc.org) as for my beliefs it kinda a weird interfaith i guess you would say. i do have a site if you care to know about it email me and i will post the address.
For myself the answer is yes. I was confirmed in the Episcopal Church in 1991 and have found that it satisfied my spritual needs. Nevertheless, we each have to find our own way. What works for one may not work for another. But whatever path we choose it should lead us away from the Watch Tower.
Not me, no way, no how. I have come to believe that no God would make his approval contingent on one's being able to tolerate being led by those (and I mean anyone that wants to lead people spritually) clowns.
I believe that religion is available for those that need it - sorta like the Israelites' demands for a king. If after leaving the JWs you still need to have someone lead you along the spiritual path, then knock yourself out. But I'll also say that anyone that does, deserves what they get.
Motema Bolingo
Definitely yes, it is possible.
Me and my wife were JW from 1956 till 1997 ( ... 41 years). I was an elder (presiding overseer) and my wife "served" as regular pionner.
Since 1998, we are Roman Catholics and our live is better than before. Now, we believe in a God of love, and not a God of destruction.