scream at the top

by vanilla sky 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • vanilla sky
    vanilla sky

    Who feels like screaming at the top of your lungs..

    All of your inner emotions coming to that grand climax.

    I feel a calm but when my soul barks its really loud.

    I feel HURT.

  • Xander

    screaming....coming to that grand climax....really loud.

    Oh, wow, and I'm not even paying for this....

    (Oh, okay, seriousness...)


    Pain and fury, boiling, rise....
    Why must anger override all?

    It can't be love that defines our race
    For into hatred we so easily fall...

    Edited by - Xander on 30 November 2002 23:45:51

  • Brummie

    Well this sure doesnt sound like a minimus thread does it?

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    i'll scream with you 'til you feel better. or try blowing something up

    (but you're right our souls do cry out to us and we should listen)

  • Michael Collins
    Michael Collins

    If you scream too loudly you will hurt yourself.


  • Vivamus

    I can't scream, I have a sore, very very sore throat. I can't even speak normally, just whisper. And worst thing is, I crave for a ciggie, but even that hurts, and makes me choke and cough.... But I'll hug ya if it makes you feel better (((((Vanilla)))))

  • meadow77

    Loud and impotent

    I scream in protest

    It seems wasted

    To state my defense

    I am kidnapped by confusion

    without a savior

    adrift on the sea of illusions

    who will answer my prayer?

    I crawl within myself

    frozen with fear

    maybe someone would save me

    if only they knew I was here

    Sorry to inflict this on you, but it's late here and I'm feeling poetic

  • Bootsie

    At least you feel something. I'ts really scarry when you become numb.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    "kidnapped by confusion

    without a savior

    adrift on the sea of illusions"

    that is brilliant. you have the soul of a poet...and don't apologize, it's wonderful!

  • Kenneson

    Vanilla Sky,

    I believe it's called primal scream therapy.

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