Do you still hope to live forever?
The Question Of The Day Do You Want Eternal Life?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
Been there
I don't know Mini, I've been here 40+ years now and I'm wore out. I really can't imagine doing this for ever.
I'm still a believer in God,but not how the JW's teach doctrine and living forever.I'm not even sure how to believe what God has in store for me but I do believe life goes on....What ever comes my way,I'll deal with it.
I hope I live to a ripe old age....then quickly come back in another body...I think I'll do much better in the next life.
No, I'd rather not have eternal life. No, I really wouldn't want that. Knowing I'll die someday, gives me peace.
I would rather live my 80 or 90 years now the best way I know how and face the possibility I might die at Armageddon, than spend eternity with the unloving hypocrites at the KH. I cringe at the thought of the KH culture expanded earthwide with the judgemental, lying elders in charge.
I trust in Jesus' judgement but not the judgement of those in the WTS.
(I understand there might be some elders trying to stem the tide of unkindness on their elder body. Few challenge the abusive ones, and if they do, it's with little success and they are forced off the body. To me there are 3 types of elders: 1)those who abuse, 2) those who cowardly let them do it, and 3) those who are trying to leave because they can't stand being part of the abuse any more)
(spell check never finds everything)
Edited by - Blondie on 1 December 2002 9:20:48
my mind is so damn screwed up from the jw's i dont know what to think,but eternal life does sound like fun,but then again maybe im just to brainwashed by the jw's to think straight.but in the same line,im not afraid to die.there has to be more to life than just confused as to how to start finding it.
Are you sure that your'e not in my old congregation - your description of the elders sounds just the same as mine !! :)
Do you realise that your'e talking about the GLORIOUS ONES, soon to be promoted to CHIEFTAINS !
Definately Yes, but after being brainwashed for such a long time, I'm not sure just what it means.
I look at how miniscule the planet Earth is in comparison to the known universe, and feel that Jehovah must have more planned than we can ever begin to imagine. I believe that once the issue of Good and Bad is sorted out, then Jehovah will turn his attention back to the whole universe. I would definately like to be there on that day.
1 Cor. 2:9
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him
At my age I only have one ambition and that's to wake up in the morning :)