This is very interesting,
Why Jehovahs Witnesses have mental problems!
by Beans2 10 Replies latest social physical
Fasicinating! I always suspected what was found in those studies. I thought maybe all the nuts just lived near our congregation.
With respect to JWs and people who convert to JWs, I've often wondered if the cult makes people mentally ill, or if the cult attracts mentally ill people to it. I suspect it's probably both.
Love, Scully
Edited by - Scully on 1 December 2002 16:56:18
JB writes:
Soon a young lady with a child in tow knocked on Melissa's door and offered her two magazines which would "help her to understand her Bible." Desperately seeking to fill her need for companionship, Melissa enjoyed the company of the lady, Thelma, and invited her back. Thelma seemed to have what she didn't: happiness and a devoted loving family. The Witness soon offered her a "Bible study," confirming Melissa's suspicion that her new friend was a Jehovah's Witness. Knowing little about the group except they did not celebrate the holiday's or accept blood transfusions, she felt it would not hurt to discuss the Bible with Thelma. After all, Thelma assured her they would only be studying the Bible, not a Watchtower book. Anyway, Thelma explained, whether Melissa celebrated birthdays was up to her. And besides, Thelma said, the Watchtower does not interfere with medical treatment--all decisions in this area are up to the individual.
Theocratic War Strategy in all its glory. I really HATE that stuff.
Love, Scully
WOW Beans!!!
You Always have such intresting sites!! Every where I go is another link from you to read!!
Your a busy fellow!!
Ty for all the information...from you and others on this site!!
bye bye 4 now
FYI - the author of this article (who, in addition to being very highly educated, is also brilliant, insightful and compassionate) posts on this site. Look him up on the member list (Jerry Bergman).
Incidentally, talk about slander, the WTS has done everything they can think of to try to destroy this man's professional reputation and credibility.
All the more enjoyable to watch their house of cards coming down.
I think I have read this before. Thanks for posting this information.
It is an excellent and outstanding piece of information but like JB indicated the poor JWs refuse to believe it is true no matter no many studies are done.
When a person cannot think or choose for themselves.....they lose their identity. JW's have all their thinking done for them in matters of life. They become puppets for the FDS. Who wants to be a puppet?
Yes it is a very interesting article and I have enjoyed the comments on this issue!
Personally, I never appreciated "labeling", so I am very cautious when one makes such a broad statement such as this article. I mean, it does not say, "Why Some Jehovah's Witnesses Have Mental Proablems", instead it basically claims they all do. I must take issue with that alone.
There is no doubt that anyone who is brainwashed suffers from a type of mental dependency, however, to lump all of "us", and yes I say all of us, because most all of us "were" in this category at one time, as we were in the borg, is not fair. I for one, do not look upon JW's in general as a bunch of mentally deficient human beings.
In my opinion, why not label anyone and everyone who has any relationship with any type of religion as "emotionally ill"? (Are you seeing how unfair this is?) None of us have perfect minds, and we have degenerated since our creation.
I have printed out this entire article to read this evening, as I am not so closed-minded as to dismiss it's content because of the "title". Those of us here who have been through the great heartbreak of learning the "truth" about the "falsehood" of "the truth" don't need to believe they are mentally damaged. How depressive and unproductive such logic. Although we can be certain that the aim of the WTBTS is to manipulate our very existance, and take away "self", we can be assured that removal from that stimuli, causes immediate improvement in many areas. We can heal and we do heal. And yes, I'm certain that many very sad and emotionally crippled folks allowed the JW theme of a Paradise Earth and living forever, chain them to a belief structure that was harmful. Some have been damaged more than others. In those groups, I'm certain, are also some who are genuienly suffering from true mental conditions that need treatment. The sad thing is, as long as one is a JW, that treatment will not come.
Take the good and leave the rest.
Edited by - Sentinel on 5 December 2002 17:40:31