Freaky "ESP" Test
by Scully 22 Replies latest jw friends
Jeez Scully! It worked for me! How the heck did that happen!?
It worked! But I'm not afraid of your little demons. If they start talking to me, I'll just talk back. I'll bore them so that they'll come back to you. ;-)
Seriously, I'm impressed. How did you DO that????
Correct 10 consecutive times.
Scully, take the eyes out of my brain!!!!!
I'll let everyone play with it for a while before I tell you how it works. Unless of course, someone decides to try and figure out why it works... LOL
Love, Scully
I know how it works. na na na naaa na.
*wastes another post*
I tried it 3 different times, using three different cards, but selected the same eye when clicking on for the answer. It was correct every time. How's it work?
Mrs. Shakita
well, that is rather cute....the two groups of cards I saw were different!
first group: Kheart Jclub Kspade Qdiamond Qclub Jdiamond
next gp. Qheart Kclub Jheart Qspade Kdiamond
no matter which you picked in the first group, it would not appear in the second, because the second is alltogeather different. sorry to spoil your fun.....
Edited by - talley on 1 December 2002 18:3:45
I also know how it works !! However, lets not spoil it for all the future folks who try it.
<<Edited to follow Shutterbug's suggestion>>
<<Sticking out my BIG FAT UGLY OLD TONGUE at Scully>>
Edited by - onacruse on 1 December 2002 18:6:39