Thanks Yeru for your reply. I did not know this!!! I think it's sad if a parish gets lost because of the actions of the bishop. But you know what -- what about all the victims, all they suffered. I don't blame them for suing either. Today I think Cardinal Law is a bigger ass than I thought yesterday.
Boston RC Mulls Bankruptcy to Shield from Abuse
by blondie 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Hawk, this is a HUGE mess! I am so angry right now you cannot imagine!!! What a bunch of arrogant asses that caused this mess!
This is the thread I was referring to about the Anglican Church in Canada. Don't know how it was ever resolved, but I hope the victims got some justice. It happened in Ottawa.
Interesting situation.
This is the actual news article upon which comments (including Hawk's) were based:
If you thought you were mad before, just wait.......................
Tonight on CNN-Connie Chung 8-9pm ET Crisis In The Priesthood Connie speaks with the attorney representing abuse survivors in the Boston archdiocese.
Well.......... HEY THERE 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you ain't a Blast From The Past, Girl!
I was just going to email you (since you haven't emailed me, young'un) - you're delivery address still the same?
Thanks for the heads up on C Chung too - will look into it.
Merry Christmas!
Hey Driving Miss Waiting!!!!!!! Yep, I'm a ghost from JWD past for sure. The addy is still the same. Speaking of the past, wonder whatever happened to the Cajun, Zep, Ah Hah and others who used to haunt this place?
Thanks Waiting! Very interesting and infuriating indeed.
Well, I'm thinking not too many courts would award the buildings of a Parish in a law suit filed against a diocese for the sex abuse scandal. Still, there needs to be a better system, one that protects the rights of the abused, seeks to prevent abuse, and protects the rights of those falsely accussed.
I don't have the answers. One answer, though, would be for Cardinal Law to step down. Actually, I would prefer to see Law go to jail. That charges under the RICO act haven't yet been filed against Law simply amazes me. On the other hand, organizations like SNAP aren't really doing the victims much good. Pretty soon they're call for heads to role based soley on accusations will be seen for the violation of due process it is. My personal opinion, SNAP is the province of a "wanna be but rejected seminarian" taking out his disappointment on the church that would allow him to be a priest.
Having said that, yes, the kids need protection. Lets get rid of Law, lets take the church completely out of the investigation process. Let law enforcement do it's job.