I fell asleep in the past hour (it's after 2AM right now)
Wow. Wow. Wow.
by LostinJapan 239 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I fell asleep in the past hour (it's after 2AM right now)
Wow. Wow. Wow.
McClellan informing counsel for WBTS that commission will be pulling JWs back in and be expecting WBTS to have made changes within the next 2 1/2 years.
WBTS trying to find reasons not to call Jackson. McClellan telling him that personal circumstances may not be sufficient to excuse him.
WT lawyer fumbles, Just quit while your behind lawyer man.
Didn't your mama teach you not to kick a turd on a hot day?
McLennan on Jackson's father's health issues:
We all have to face these issues as well as deal with our other responsibilities.
Adjourned until next week.
Watchtower attorney again tries to get Geoffrey Jackson off the hook of testifying by repeating the medical condition of Jackson's father, but Justice Mclellan isn't buying it anymore.
Mclellan says, "That's not enough for me now given what I know about his role in the Organization."
He is on to the dishonesty of Jehovah's Witnesses in this case.