When I was a teen, there was a witness "prom" that was held to make up for the graduating kids who could not attend the worldly prom. There were never any problems or issues, but when the society got wind of it, they said large gatherings were a bad idea, as there was no way to control the actions of all those attending. They also mentioned it would be on the shoulders of the organizers if someone were to engage in wrongdoing afterwards. So, before I got a chance to go, the witness prom stopped. The society also started frowning on picnics, house parties, and other forms of entertainment, again, stating it was too difficult to control the crowds. NEVER ONCE did I hear of a problem at these gatherings, except of course sometimes the elders drank too much, but they were stopped anyway. It was the young people who suffered, there was nothing fun to do. So, yes, the society does sort of discourage witnesses from associating with one another, unless it is in very small groups.