New User to this Forum and questions

by Yizuman 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    Hello everyone....

    Just registered and want to know what type of folks here are? Ex-JWs? Are there are JWs still in the so called "truth" lurking or posting here?

    Are there any "born again" believers here who used to be a JW?

    Nice meeting you all.


  • Brummie

    Welcome Yizuman!

    ExJW here, born again exjws post, yep JWs do lurk here, some post here, you got the whole shebang on this forum and i'm pretty darn sure you'll enjoy it.


  • SpannerintheWorks

    Hi, Yizuman.

    "Yes" to all. Plus just about any other personality imaginable!


  • Mulan

    We are ex JW's (my hubby and myself). We have not joined another church.........been there done that. Also we are not disfellowshipped or disassociated.

  • Jesika

    Welcome to the board!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You have Jw's, ex-Jw's(we call JW's dubs here), pagans, born again, catholic, agnostic, etc. There are even those who were never JW, but dated or knew JW's. Some come here to get both sides of the story, and some who start to study come here to ask us why most of us are no longer JW's.

    This is about as versital as you can get a board. The ages can range from 16--over 60. Hope to hear more from you and enjoy the board.

  • borgfree

    Hi Yizuman and welcome,

    I am an ex-jw, (birth to 54 yrs.) born again Christian and in that over 60 class.


  • Yizuman

    know2much wrote: "I am lurking. Still an active witness. Much wiser since I have had my eyes opened by the Dateline program."

    Oh? What was it about? I must've missed it. When did this air?


  • Yizuman

    Nice meeting ya'll


  • meadow77

    Hey Yizuman, I was a newbie not to long ago myself. I am one who was not a JW, but a JW magnet. HA. Anyway, if you scroll down to the bottom of these pages you can click on silentlambs. This is where you can find all kinds of information, including I believe the televised reports about molestation within the borg. Happy Hunting.

  • Jesika


    Dateline did a piece on how the JW's enforce a 2 eye witness policy on child rape and molestation. I am in the process of finding the direct link to the transcript. Untill then, you can watch some of the other press coverage at this link. click on audio/video and you will have about 4 different links to look at.

    I was personally on the news in Dallas,Tx and you can watch the broadcast at this link.

    The story is on this page, but there is a small box when you scroll down that says "also online" and it has where you can watch the video.

    If I can be of anymore help, please let me know.

    Enjoy the boards, they can be a little to much to take all in one dose depending on where you are in your own life, but we are here for you when you need us.

    Jesika Thoman

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