i am drunk

by josephus 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • josephus

    and ive decided to ask the ladies why you seem to love the nasty men. i have fallen in love with a nice girl who i thought liked me back.

    it seems she only likes evil men and im not the right guy im " a good friend" i feel lost and cant understand your crazy sex.

    i really thought this was it, now im somewhere in limbo. i dont think ive cried as much before. why bother ??? life is plainly shit and i cant see the future anymore.

    i treated her like a queen but that wasnt enough.

    why do we even try ?


  • bikerchic


    I'm sorry you are going through this, but one thing you should think about is why a nice guy like you would even WANT a girl who likes evil men?

    Be true to yourself, find a girl who is deserving of a nice guy like yourself, hold out for a good one and believe me MOST of us gals don't like evil men who mistreat us and those who do aren't worth the grief they would cause you.

    Now go drink some coffee and sober up, quit yer bitchin and count your blessings.

    Katie (of the HAVE THE GREATEST MAN IN THE WORLD class)

  • Windchaser

    Aw, Josephus, sorry that you got dumped for being a good guy. I don't know why some of us women love bad guys so much. I've always blamed it on mental illness. haha

    But, if ya get kicked in the head and heart enough, you start thinking, Maybe a nice guy wooould be a refreshing change. Give her time, she may come around.

    If not, maybe you gotta start looking for a girl who isn't looking for a bad guy.

  • WildHorses

    josephus, come sit by me. I'll allow you to cry on my shoulder because I know exactly how you feel. I've been there more times than I can count.

    PLEASE, do NOT change the way you are. Believe it or not, there are many good women out there looking for a guy exactly like you. Somehow life just seems to play these nasty little tricks on us and sends us good gals/guys the bad seeds.

    Hang in there sweety, it gets better.

  • siegswife

    I think that alot of girls are looking for a nice guy that is as fu**ed up as they are. Confusing? Yes. Impossible? No. I doubt that it's anything against you, she probably had her sites set on the jerky to begin with. Don't let it get you down....you don't really want a girl that's so confused....that would really be screwed up, no?

  • AGuest

    Dearest Josephus... may you have peace...

    And may you know that the "problem" is with her... not you... and that is...

    She doesn't feel "comfortable" with a "nice guy"... because she doesn't think she deserves a nice guy, due to "issues" she has.

    If she couldn't recognize... and "honor" your kindness, dear one... then, don't cry. For she truly didn't "deserve" you, and even she didn't think so.

    (Now, my question to you is... why don't you want a "nice" girl? Obviously, this one wasn't...)

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,

    SJ (sorta on my own... but not entirely, for I think I spoke in love...)

  • deddaisy
    it seems she only likes evil men and im not the right guy

    don't worry josephus, she'll still be free and more receptive to you after:

    a) her "evil" honey has blackened her eyes for the upteenth time

    b) her "evil" lover has ditched her for a new little hottie

    c) her "evil" babe is in jail and she has three kids to support

    d) she wants to pis and moan about her no good "evil" man

    but chances are you won't even remember her name.

    Edited by - deddaisy on 2 December 2002 22:37:52

  • not interested
    not interested

    hey dude,

    I know where your coming from, I have had a number of my girlfriends, by that i mean girl friends not ones that im involved with tell me im such a great guy and im gonna be a great catch for sombody, as they go out with guys that cheat,hit,ignore them, and basicly treat them like crap, then i get to sit and hear all about how men are so bad.

    but a word of advise, dont burry it in a bottle, it doesnt work, ive tried it so many times, but tomorrow its all still there, my best advise is stop looking and wait for someone to find you, although that hasnt worked yet for me its still good advise i think..............ima jes shut up now

  • PopeOfEruke

    Hey Josephus!

    thats bad news! But don't blame the girl, something in our evolutionary past causes some girls to be attracted to "bad" males. I guess in the old caveman days, the rough tough guys had a better chance of survival and hence offered a female better prospects of being alive and therefore better able to fight mammoths whatever. Its really hard going against our genetic programming.


  • Vivamus

    Hey hon, I can't help you. I don't even understand myself half of the time, let alone another woman, lol. Hang in there tho. Tomorrow, after your hangover has subsided, you'll feel better.

    And when that right one comes along, sparks will be flying in all directions, and it'll feel soooo good.


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