Today I received my first birthday present EVER

by cruzanheart 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    And it was really neat! It felt a little strange, though. Technically, I guess this isn't my first birthday present because Big Tex left me a dozen roses on my car the first year we met, on the eve of my birthday (with a note that read "to my favorite middle-aged pioneer" - I married him anyway). But to have my birthday acknowledged by my friends at work was pretty cool, and my children each bought me a birthday card, and they were really excited about doing it. I've explained to my friends how hard this is for me, and they are being really sweet. My first birthday present is a beautiful, soft teddy bear, and my kids and dogs are NOT getting it! I'm 47, by the way. Took me long enough, didn't it?


  • Scarlet

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday

  • Brumm

    Great news! Happy 1st birthday


  • VeniceIT

    OK so that makes you 1!!!!!

    Hmm now I figured out how the WTS could say they'd never grow old, because they didn't celebrate their brithdays!!!! hahhahha I hope this is funny in the morning!


  • TresHappy

    Bonne Anniversaire a Toi!!!!!

  • kelpie

    Happy first birthday

    I too celebrated my first birthday party and i know what you mean about it being hard. My man threw me a surprise birthday party and when I got home to a house full of people, I couldnt stop shaking.

    It was the best birthday ever!!!!!!!! I am now planning a great christmas now


  • deddaisy

    cruzanheart !

    Happy Birthday ! !

    Today is my husband's birthday also. Drove all over in the SNOW, AAAHHHHH, looking for that perfect little something ! He on the other hand, is used to snow AND birthday gifts. no appreciation....LOL

    I hope both your day and your teddy bear remain a warm memory.



  • outoftheorg

    Happy birthday Cruzin.

    I'll never forget that first birthday present or christmas present. It still feels a little odd to be given presents and celebrate these events. But it really feels good all over to be acknowledged as special in the eyes of others at times. Doesn't it?

    When I think about never having my birthday celebrated even as a little child or my not doing so for my children it seems so stupid now. How do we get so supressed?

    Well enjoy it all and revel in the good loving feelings of being acknowledged as special on this special day "your birthday" all of us are glad you are here.

    BTW 47 is not old at all from my perspective.


  • SixofNine

    I could have sworn I said happy birthday when I handed you that papusa at Glorias???

    Happy first B-day, cruzan

  • riz

    happy birthday, cruzan

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