Why I have renounced Atheism and become a believer again
by cantleave 39 Replies latest social humour
But...but...but...Where does this leave the IPU, the Invisible Pink Unicorn, in the Big Picture? OH, this is making my head spin...someone please help me here!
I was also touched by his noodly appendage but because there wasn't 2 people there to see it I couldn't prove it. -
Village Idiot
The Swimming Spaghetti Monster.
Witness My Fury
I hate to break it to you, but that toast has been altered by some faker with a soldering iron.
Any other god squaddies then look up confirmation bias, because you have it in shed fulls.
Matthew 24:15 "So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel--let the reader understand--"
I hate to break it to you, but that toast has been altered by some faker with a soldering iron.........
Even if that is true the FSM must have inspired the design....show some faith WMF
Village Idiot - more floating than swimming. Fascinating little beastie though. -
never a jw
God, since I have no idea of the meaning of the word God for you, then I have to say maybe?
God that cares about human affairs and intervenes, hell no!
God that deserves worship, hell no! The very word "worship" makes it a human creation.
God, since I have no idea of the meaning of the word God for you........................
Let me answer that for you